Saturday, April 11, 2020

MK Ultragirl: Anatomy of a Fraud

"Unidentified white female between the age of 8 and 10 years old. The subject underwent 6 months of treatment using heavy doses of LSD, electroshock and sensory deprivation. Experiments under codename MKULTRA about early 60s. Subjects memory was erased and her brain is that of a newborn baby."

Image result for mkultra strain all urine photo
The CIA-funded MKULTRA mind control program at McGill ran from 1953-64. The infamous Dr. Cameron who directed it was fired in 1964, and died mountain climbing in 1967.
Reportedly the now-famous photo of the little girl strapped down to a table under a sign saying STRAIN ALL URINE, first surfaced on a Japanese blog in 2008. I first saw it at Aangirfan blog, where it has been used repeatedly as an illustration of classified experiments done on children in the MKULTRA project.
The girl in the "Strain All Urine" photo appears to be eight to ten years old.
NOTE: This blogpost has been hacked in the last couple of days, but will be restored. In the meantime the integral text can still be found here and also (for some people) at 
Meanwhile, here is Ellen Atkin, leader of a movement of online survivors:


MORE on the "MKUltra Girl" hoax can be found at Barbara Hartwell's blog



    The divine Mae Brussell on Mengele, thirty-five years ago. Tape #702; particularly side 2.

  2. .. and, still in 1985, July:
    (Mengele begins ten minutes in)


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  7. You can still follow Ellen Atkin on YouTube:

  8. This blog seemed to get hacked a while back and most of it disappeared but there is a mirror post at

    For a while Google removed this article from both sites as Ellen Atkin complained and issued a legal claim against me for blackening her reputation and threatening her livelihood. But both my posts have been reinstated so I guess she lost her case.

    Ellen Atkin is not going anywhere - that much is clear. I have to confess I find her fascinating in a "what will she do next" kind of a way. She's a Netflix series unto herself-- and just when you think you have heard the last of her, she pops up again with a whole new plot twist. Its like there's a team of writers pushing her to deeper depths of dramatic irony. I can't watch her videos without unbearable pangs of horror and pity. Omigod, is she saying that? Does she really believe that? Does she realize how she comes across?

    I mean we all have our warts and quirks but .. apparently some people including other survivors feel sympathy and compassion, whereas many just turn away in embarrassment. I'm one of those people who are easily embarrassed-- always have been, always will be. My bullshit meter is very sensitive and quickly emits a screaming noise when triggered. And things like Ellen's interview with David Knight on his now-defunct podcast send it sky high. The excruciating irony. Its too much to bear -- watching him start the show off on a serious and informative note, then hand it over to Ellen - and because its on video there are her facial contortions as she affects an omniscient tone, talking down to her audience, and gradually disintegrating into blablabla incoherence ... watch Knight start to squirm and then try to mute her once she starts telling him she is the prototype for "Eleven" on Stranger Things. So much for Zero Hedge and its credibility. A gal like Ellen can sink many ships with a single blast of hot air from her lungs.

    And here we are.

    Thanks for reading this article in its full length version at

    There's no end to human gullibility, as we are seeing with the Omicron variant.

    Do not turn away from lies and idiocy and evil where you find it -- do not assume because Infowars fell for it, it must be okay. Don't switch it off at the first twinge of incredulity-- listen to the whole thing and absorb the full force of it and ask yourself how does someone like Ellen come into existence?

    I'll tell you how: through trauma, programming and desensitization. Don't feed it by looking away. This is the face of MKULTRA mind control. Deal with it. Now.


  10. Ellen Atkin talks to David Knight

  11. Hear her say she doesn't really know much about her parents or what happened to them . Then now she recognized her mother in a 1953 film from Oklahoma, being electroshocked by Dr. Louis Jolyon West (elsewhere she says it was Dr Ewen Cameron) ... and then she says West came to OK from the Allan Memorial -- this is pure fantasy -- West was never at the Allan and moved to OK from New York. And all the characters in the Oklahoma hospital documentary are actors according to the credits.

    So this is Mkultragirl aka Ellen Atkin aka "Eleven" in Stranger Things -- who just makes stuff up --

    Is she a survivor? Or an agent of the powerful institutions that want to discredit the real victims?

    Listen and decide.

  12. What can anyone do to help this woman? Its not her in the "famous photo", not her dad in the wheelchair, not her mom in Oklahoma, not her in Stranger Things

    Her public statements are all false. You can't put such a person in charge. She would open her mouth and the case would be thrown out immediately.

    I don't know how to help her since you can't reason with her. She's built a whole new identity on the internet and yes that can be "powerful" just like any aggressive advertising campaign can influence people. But none of it is real.

    To say she needs help is an understatement-- but first she has to agree to it. She refuses all dialogue.

    If you support her, you're supporting an insane person which as a caregiver you're used to doing. But a lawsuit isn't a care home even if many of the people in it need care.

    It's really sad -- but I was a journalist and our job is to get to the truth --
