Monday, June 13, 2011

Dr. Mengele Comes to Quebec, 1949

These photos from a yearbook published in 1949 by Hopital Saint Michel Archange in Quebec city, were sent to me by a friend in Ontario. I believe the man on the left in the first photo, bending down to examine a boy in a wheelchair, is Dr. Josef Mengele, the “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz, who had interned in pediatrics at the University of Leipzig.

My friend Jane obtained the yearbook from the daughter of a Duplessis orphan who lives near Ottawa. It lay in a trunk for years. I'm extremely grateful to the women involved in bringing these images to light.

The other two images, from the same section of the yearbook, show recent achievements at that hospital in the field of neurology at the time.

Saint Michel Archange Hospital is notorious as a place where many Duplessis orphans disappeared in secret experiments. Its 1949 yearbook is festooned with dedications and photos of Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis, then Canadian Prime Minister Louis Saint Laurent, and various dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church including Cardinal Leger. This is not entirely surprising, since Dr. Mengele escaped Europe in 1948 with the help of the Vatican "Rat Line" which brought him safely to Argentina. From there, he moved to Brazil, Paraguay, and points beyond -- including, some have said, Montreal.

There is a stunning similarity between these photos, and my 2004 interview with Duplessis orphan Silvio Day who worked as an orderly in 1960 at another Quebec hospital, where he transported bodies of children murdered in Nazi-style medical experiments from the operating room to the "Locker Room of the Dead" and burial behind the hospital. The scenes he describes from memory – of nuns and orderlies in a zombie-like state, working together with doctors in experiments on young orphans – are perfectly illustrated in these photos taken ten years earlier. It's also interesting that a man bearing a strong resemblance to Dr. Mengele appears in both Day's account, and the yearbook photos.

A bizarre discovery – but is it proof?

I went to the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre with the photo of Dr. Mengele examining the boy in the wheelchair, and they quickly dismissed it for predictable reasons: the vast quantity of bogus Mengele sightings, and the poor quality of the jpeg image I produced.

On the other hand, these experts could not prove it is not Mengele. The white-coated man in the photo appears to be exactly the right age (late 30s), slim build, and general appearance (note the hairline) as Dr. Mengele who was 38 in 1949, had escaped from Europe that same year and gone into hiding in South America. Mengele is known to have used various aliases, as well as his own name, and to have travelled around North America and Europe during the Cold War years when he allegedly worked for the US Department of Defence and even (for a time) McGill University.

His sponsors at the Vatican were high officials and member of the P-2 Lodge, which helped many leading Nazis escape prosecution for war crimes. Quebec’s Prime Minister, Maurice Duplessis was known for his pro-Nazi sympathies, and had corresponded with Hitler's Foreign Minister, Von Ribbentrop, before WW2, when the Nazis offered to send some of their young scientists to Quebec.

"So what if it's Mengele?" asked one of the Holocaust experts -- a question that had not occurred to me.

My guess is, the hospital published this yearbook, and included these photos, to demonstrate that it was making progress with the secret program laid out in 1944 at the Quebec Conference, the year Maurice Duplessis, re-elected as Quebec premier, sat at the table with Roosevelt, Churchill, MacKenzie King and Allen Dulles, to iron out details of a clandestine agreement by which Quebec’s orphan population would be placed at the disposal of the British and American military in their top secret program of chemical and biological warfare weapons development, some of which was based downriver at Grosse Ile. Some of these experiments involved psychosurgery, e.g. lobotomies, which witnesses like Silvio Day say were performed on orphans. Mengele’s work at Auschwitz involved Trauma-Based Mind Control would become the basis of the covert MKULTRA program in 1953, signed into effect by Allen Dulles in 1953, a few months before thousands of Quebec’s institutionalized orphans were relabelled “mental patients” and transported to hospital like Saint-Michel Archange in Quebec City, where many disappeared in drug trials and other criminal experiments.

Fascist-leaning Maurice Duplessis would have been happy to allow Mengele enter Quebec, in return for a place at the table of the Secret Government. So goes the “conspiracy theory” that explains how Canadian officials sold out a generation of children in order to profit from illegal weapons research

Below are photos of Mengele, probably taken in the late 1930s when he was graduating from medical school.


  1. YES! Finally up! ^^
    Haha; I love Menge's moustache in the last photo! Though with the top photo, I can see what you mean that it looks like Mengele. I think it is (though a bit flabbier from those weakening collagen fibres!)
    I hope this shit doesn't happen again (probably is in some remote location). Maybe the Museum was scared to say anything that would burst their "bubble" of said theory that Mengele went straight down to South America and spent his years country-hopping 'till his death in Beritoga?
    Interesting post. I'm glad that woman kept those photos. Because now there's two crazy chicks blogging about him! :) (Well, I did have an epic post about him on my previous blog which was removed after I idiotically deleted my infrequently used email account).


  3. Interesting site which summarizes information about Mengele and the Monarch mind control program:

  4. Just for the record I researched Monarch Programming as Tim Baber in 2002 for 5 weeks. That month my workplace was burgled twice and we had the "decorators" in , uninvited. A very old very wrinkly short man with gap toothed chuckling appearance said "look at you with your neck open in this weather" whilst un-peeling a gloved finger and poking me i the adam's apple. I recoiled onto a man behind knocking a CD out of his hands from a video cam corder. I checked my research about heavily germanic accented programmers after WW2 (I should have said that) and Mengele was out of the frame due to his reported 1979 death. But now I am on the trail again (Google NSA and sneeze) I remember it, and him , and cjallenge the 1979 terminal date. I claim Mengele was aroung, working for the program, in December 2002 in Bournemouth.

  5. Just for the record I researched Monarch Programming as Tim Baber in 2002 for 5 weeks. That month my workplace was burgled twice and we had the "decorators" in , uninvited. A very old very wrinkly short man with gap toothed chuckling appearance said "look at you with your neck open in this weather" whilst un-peeling a gloved finger and poking me i the adam's apple. I recoiled onto a man behind knocking a CD out of his hands from a video cam corder. I checked my research about heavily germanic accented programmers after WW2 (I should have said that) and Mengele was out of the frame due to his reported 1979 death. But now I am on the trail again (Google NSA and sneeze) I remember it, and him , and cjallenge the 1979 terminal date. I claim Mengele was aroung, working for the program, in December 2002 in Bournemouth.

  6. Dear Beachhut Man
    Very interesting "Mengele sighting" in Bournemouth. I definitely doubt the official story of Mengele's 1979 death by drowning in Brazil. One reason is, it reads like bad fiction. Another reason: one of the scientists sent down a few years later to dig up the body, do an autopsy and confirm Mengele's DNA, a Dr. Levine if I remember right, had also served on the Warren Commission re: Kennedy's exit wounds.

    In 2002, he would have been 91 or so. So it's entirely possible.

    I think I checked but was unable to find anything by Tim Baber...

  7. Oops -- I just googled again and found this link:

    If that photo really purports to be of Mengele's skull, it's obvious a fake. Or someone is lying through their teeth...

  8. Hi Ann Can you contact me via email

  9. Hi Ann Can you contact me via email

  10. I have a work in progress blog about such mind control for children and how I had a brush with Mengele who is said on the web by others to have been the"father of Monarch Programming" I also suggest a possible way all of that might one day be obsolete with Will Filer's
    use of the elctromagnetic spectrum overtaking all the triggerring an dreinforcing symbols in todays media that annoy someone who knows what to look for can be. See and also from a long time ago:
    Those last two scare me more than my own site, and that is saying something. Tim Baber


  12. Christinne,
    Your comment reduces the chance mine above is true.
    So I must ask you what evidence you have or what accounts you have heard. For me to claim Dr Josef Mengele of the Mengele family, SS Doctor, Eugenics researcher, Camp Physician, escaped Nazi , Western Intel Agencies Mind Control trauma specialist, was still working on Monarch Programming I was researching
    in 2002 supposes that the 1979 death and 1985 exhumation were shills. I based my claim on an eye witness account,the Doctor looking at me with his tweed eyes and chuckling loudly through his still gap teeth, peeling off a glove under my nose and poking me in the throat but in 2002, when he would be 93 if it was he and backed up by a minder with a video DVD camera I knocked from the minders hands as I staggered backwards. He was well dressed, tweed overcoat, tweed hat and a scarf, I actually forget the moustache for sure, but the least if he was working for the West his gesture was more exploratory as to my "status" and not anything grotesque? He said in badly accented English, "Look at you with your neck all open (or exposed) in this weather. (December 2002). My man was only 5 foot 2, which is best explained by Mengele ..the Mengele Posner writes about after months of research, having two spinal diseases which can reduce a man old man as well, by several inches...which were not seen on the 1985 bag of bones we are supposed to believe was the real Dr Mengele. And shorter, he could travel the world ..and did it is said....till when? I argue he was active at a sprightly 93 in 2002, short enough to escape scrutiny and protected by the West for his work today, I am guessing, has saved many lives.
    But if I am saying that, maybe that is why I am still around.
    My story does not need any other stories to be true for it to reflect what I saw and felt.
    My story, anyway, does require some stories, based on evidence to have been fabricated. Like he was dead in 1979...the sixth separate claim he had died, and well evidenced by experts. Something today fresh DNA testing could prove again, or not. Fancy your luck?
    I imagine what happened then in 1985 would simply happen again, you want to try?
    I noted in a diary contemporaneously my man said something slightly different to that above, but that is my secret, as it suggests in those seconds I can not be sure of my own account. Sorry but true. I prefer my Long term memory, but people who have been influenced loose their objectivity.
    Now to answer the question you pose above , will the real Dr Mengele evidence stand up, it needs people to be dispassionate, but answerable for what they say.
    I tried to think back what might have been going on. His trusted son Rolf is the owner or agent since 2008 for a 10 bed luxury villa in Mougins....five or so kilometres from Cannes. I imagined him doing his thing to the Film stars. Fancy trying your luck with the 77 years photo there? I saw my guy in 2002 at a presumed 93 agile years. Maybe he died between 2002 and 2008, leaving the house to be let by the son thereafter?
    What this story needs is facts, assumptions, presumptions but all based on "evidence" of some kind. Please do not destroy the few points of interest we have. On one far right website some wag said "...and furthermore...." Mengele could not swim" I may have missed the fact but it suddenly occurred to me it was a "joke" because he drowned, and therefore not of any use whatsoever in retracing the factual attributes of a man we need to second guess to avoid his wares that I see the West has remanufactured wholesale for trauma greater than any competing system. As my mother says, we may use terror, but our terror is better than our enemies., And if thanks to the good Doctor Mengele, terror can be applied without trace or apparent cost to achieve an outcome, without death, ( and I was at his mercy in 2002 I suspect) that is preferable to the alternatives short of Human Rights for all. Maybe, Christiannne, we are both right?

  13. Christinne,
    Your comment reduces the chance mine above is true.
    So I must ask you what evidence you have or what accounts you have heard. For me to claim Dr Josef Mengele of the Mengele family, SS Doctor, Eugenics researcher, Camp Physician, escaped Nazi , Western Intel Agencies Mind Control trauma specialist, was still working on Monarch Programming I was researching
    in 2002 supposes that the 1979 death and 1985 exhumation were shills. I based my claim on an eye witness account,the Doctor looking at me with his tweed eyes and chuckling loudly through his still gap teeth, peeling off a glove under my nose and poking me in the throat but in 2002, when he would be 93 if it was he and backed up by a minder with a video DVD camera I knocked from the minders hands as I staggered backwards. He was well dressed, tweed overcoat, tweed hat and a scarf, I actually forget the moustache for sure, but the least if he was working for the West his gesture was more exploratory as to my "status" and not anything grotesque? He said in badly accented English, "Look at you with your neck all open (or exposed) in this weather. (December 2002). My man was only 5 foot 2, which is best explained by Mengele ..the Mengele Posner writes about after months of research, having two spinal diseases which can reduce a man old man as well, by several inches...which were not seen on the 1985 bag of bones we are supposed to believe was the real Dr Mengele. And shorter, he could travel the world ..and did it is said....till when? I argue he was active at a sprightly 93 in 2002, short enough to escape scrutiny and protected by the West for his work today, I am guessing, has saved many lives.
    But if I am saying that, maybe that is why I am still around.
    My story does not need any other stories to be true for it to reflect what I saw and felt.
    My story, anyway, does require some stories, based on evidence to have been fabricated. Like he was dead in 1979...the sixth separate claim he had died, and well evidenced by experts. Something today fresh DNA testing could prove again, or not. Fancy your luck?
    I imagine what happened then in 1985 would simply happen again, you want to try?
    I noted in a diary contemporaneously my man said something slightly different to that above, but that is my secret, as it suggests in those seconds I can not be sure of my own account. Sorry but true. I prefer my Long term memory, but people who have been influenced loose their objectivity.
    Now to answer the question you pose above , will the real Dr Mengele evidence stand up, it needs people to be dispassionate, but answerable for what they say.
    I tried to think back what might have been going on. His trusted son Rolf is the owner or agent since 2008 for a 10 bed luxury villa in Mougins....five or so kilometres from Cannes. I imagined him doing his thing to the Film stars. Fancy trying your luck with the 77 years photo there? I saw my guy in 2002 at a presumed 93 agile years. Maybe he died between 2002 and 2008, leaving the house to be let by the son thereafter?
    What this story needs is facts, assumptions, presumptions but all based on "evidence" of some kind. Please do not destroy the few points of interest we have. On one far right website some wag said "...and furthermore...." Mengele could not swim" I may have missed the fact but it suddenly occurred to me it was a "joke" because he drowned, and therefore not of any use whatsoever in retracing the factual attributes of a man we need to second guess to avoid his wares that I see the West has remanufactured wholesale for trauma greater than any competing system. As my mother says, we may use terror, but our terror is better than our enemies., And if thanks to the good Doctor Mengele, terror can be applied without trace or apparent cost to achieve an outcome, without death, ( and I was at his mercy in 2002 I suspect) that is preferable to the alternatives short of Human Rights for all. Maybe, Christiannne, we are both right?

  14. I know this is completely without point, since you can't really argue with this kind of delusions but some normal person might see this blog and at least some reason will be found here.

    The reason I had to write this ann, is that you made a mistake that no honest, and truth seeking person would make.
    You want a Evidence of absence....

    You write "On the other hand, these experts could not prove it is not Mengele."
    No shit sherlock. I think that the picture you claim to be Mengele, is actually jesus. You never proved that it wasn't jesus, therefor it just be jesus...There is exactly the same evidence for it being jesus than it being Josef Mangele.

    I LOVE that you are one of those people who are sure that YOU and YOU alone know the real truth, and that you use so highly unscientific methods like "Oh, he looks like him"

    This is not ugly dishonest and violently stupid.

  15. I might agree with you except that numerous other sources confirm that Mengele came to Quebec and experimented on children after the Vatican spirited him out of Italy after the war. Among those reporting that he worked with Dr. Cameron at McGill is Gordon Thomas (JOURNEY INTO MADNESS), and Carol Rutz (A NATION BETRAYED).

    Scroll down and read my interview with Duplessis Orphan Silvio Day who claims he met a German doctor who looked like Mengele in the halls of St Jean de Dieu hospital in east-end Montreal in the 1950s where he performed lethal surgery on orphans deemed 'disposable' because they had no parents.

    Even a friend of my mother's, a psychiatric nurse at the Allan Memorial, told me when she first started working there in 1967 the stories about Mengele still circulated.

    The fact is, the doctor in the photo bears a very strong resemblance to Mengele and appears to be the same age he would have been in 1949. He just happens to be examining a disabled orphan in a wheelchair -- exactly the type of child who ended up in these Nazi-style experiments, at that very hospital, in that very era --

    I think I know who is "ugly dishonest and violently stupid" -- and obsessed --

  16. Are you willing suggest me the other readings concerning Mengele's relationship with occultism?

    BTW, did have a earlier version in paperback? Its front cover design seems old.

  17. But if anyone loses to the bigger stronger group who make things happen their way then individual
    will is broken and it is a negative spiral not true evolution.

    I have experienced the 5 year NSA Extreme Process and it can seem all powerful until you understand
    post hypnotic commands and clever dick programmers using sound to skull or high tech secret stuff.

    In terms of Mengele I guess he was “acquired” before he went to Auschwitz where he could try whatever
    worked without any morals which came back again and again to trauma based influencing.
    A comment he found the elephants blowing bubbles in Fantasia (1941) Disney’s mind control best work
    shows he was already advanced in an already advanced mind control group..probably the strongest.

    Check out “Weltanschauungskreig Leaks” (my website) on the internet. Lots of people, lots of countries, had realised
    mind contol works but kept it going whilst keeoing it quiet. An exppert in traces in the performing arts
    is Rogan Taylor. Try to borrow his expensive (now) book, The Death and resurrection Show”.

    Part of the problem with cults, secret societies and occultism is that they prey on an innocent belief ther
    is a supernatural or an order inherent in people. If they can’t find it or it does not stand up to
    scrutiny then there is a need for secrecy.

    I say, save your hours for something really good for you or those you leave behind. The point of what I write
    is to let people come to the conclusion that only bad can come from abandonment..abandoning the
    human particle in our makeup. Use your time to warn others if that seems your best role. We all play roles
    but some have destiny or devious cunning swine around the next corner that takes us somewhere else.

    Remember if someone can inhibit or didinhibit you even just abit that is all it takes to make manking keep
    trying to find out how to do it to others. We Brits are pretty good at it. But the Americans (NSA) appear to
    be holding the ball and Will Filer of the NSA says they are not really in control. (If you read
    between the lines). I have reached a point in this where I cannot trust any of my senses anymore other
    than in daily routines and now I am getting loads of money from the Government without anyone
    saying why. I take the money because the law says it is for me, but carry on my campaigning in this fashion
    not knowing anymore what or where or why or who or when this all goes on. I take an educated guess
    of course…and to get to here you should read everything I have written because few researchers are likely
    to get to “here” or meet Mengele as I claim I did in 2002. Maybe he was trying to have a two way bet by
    not drawing my research to a close, for when in 9 years time I realised that it was HIM, that is when I
    got excited and blundered on until I got to here. Maybe you could learn many lessons from what I have
    written. is a start. beachhutman on twitter and also on Discus.

    I do write from the heart and I have a latrge one. Occultists have a tiny wee timourous bestie’s heart.

    And in case you haven’t noticed, my researches explain for me nearly everything I have or am likely
    to encounter as a sentient or ignorant member of our human race. I still do not know the secrets of
    time, space or existence…but who knows…if it is unbelievable it still, like Monarch, be true, and even
    the sop I sometimes consider…it can , has and will stop wars…but if you believe that…well…
    somebody is going to lose..something…big time but not as bad as dead?


  18. see alice article in A-Z, what I
    found out before meeting mingle in 2002, yes I know. 2002.
    This is one page from 2002, it offers a sneaky possible interpreatation of world history in that
    Al Quaeda were a manufactured group just to replace expensive war with terror.

    Historical Note: I reckon war used to be OK when it was faught in deserts, seas, blockades,
    well away from host populations. Dresden and Coventy changed all that. Total War, the programmers,
    capable of stopping war, Arab Spring and so on, probably find their model of domination is either using
    or ignoring tribal alliances to ruin substandard countries in their view. It is better than total war,
    until terrorism starts killing the children of the elites supposedly by tradition our enemy?

    I ask you to weigh the facts such as the are to see if you were a politician and you had a free vote
    what would you believe and what would you do if you didnt like the way things still were after many many years.

    Most politicians would try to act in an adult manner…but please without the faux occultism.
    It is about lives and human and other resources and just how many slaves do you want to
    have running around as if in a Greart game with childhood sacrifices and never plumbed
    emotions because someone (Goebbels was just one of them) figured they knew best.

  19. August 27, 2015

    French Quebecers are given opportunities across Canada
    Some are Jesuits Augustinians Catholics
    A) Government of Canada Services Canada . Canada Place .

    Two very tall people French speaking arrogant messing people around
    The male when asked "you were knowledgeable and knew Joseph Mengles - Otto Strasser was in Montreal" The tall heavy set male said yes affirmed a solid yes with no compassion humility or embarassment yes.END

    The tall female when instructed (as an employee of the Government of Canada was required to absolutely follow the Privacy Act,OH&Safety FEderal/Provincial ACT - Preventative safety NO messing around - all other legislated authorized by HM Queen Elizabeth 11) responded we do not follow those laws "we do as were are told" Catholic Partis Quebecois French Soverignity apparently. These statements are true to the best possible written accurate printed data are without and are not allegations. Canada Pension - Apparently looking for families of Jewish descent - Lord Lovat's Scouts Canadian Commandos WW11 - Jewish issue. This is a true statement. Signed by a daughter of one of LOrd Lovat's Scouts Canadian Commandos and partially describes the wrongful treatment of Canadian Moroccans across Canada via Mennonite structures strategically staioned across Canada. GOD save HM Queen Elizabeth 11 and her heirs and the people of MOrocco.END


  20. Link Revealing Truth for Child and Family Justice: Mind Control …

    Understanding that even the basics of the wickedness in Nova Scotia, ... is an essential part of Trauma-Based Mind Control, ... Children's Aid Society/Family and ...


  21. 1. Head injury experiments

    In mid-1942 in Baranowicze, occupied Poland, experiments were conducted in a small building behind the private home occupied by a known Nazi SD Security Service officer, in which "a young boy of eleven or twelve [was] strapped to a chair so he could not move. Above him was a mechanized hammer that every few seconds came down upon his head." The boy was driven insane from the torture.[8]

    Link Nazi human experimentation - Wikipedia, the free …

    Nazi human experimentation was a series of medical experiments on large numbers of ... aid in the recovery of military personnel who had ... "Mengele's Children ...

    Experiments · Aftermath

  22. 2. Link Mengele helped by top scientists | World news | The Guardian [] › World › Research

    Network of top scientists helped ... His catalogue of horror stories also included injecting children's eyes ... Mengele's supervisor for his PhD was the .

    The Max-Planck Institute - formerly the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute - decided in 1997 to fund research into its murky past. A spokesman for the institute said: "No goal in research can justify crossing ethical boundaries.

    "We wanted to discover how and why the limits of science were crossed and why there was such a blur between animal and human trials. We appointed a group of independent historians to get to the bottom of a mystery that has lain dormant for a long time."

    The director of research for the Berlin-based project was Dr Heim. She told The Guardian last night: "It was formerly believed that scientists in Germany were oppressed by the Nazi regime, that there were only a few guilty people. But in truth, these doctors were in paradise.

    "The distinction between politics and science was hazy and doctors had the freedom to do as they liked, so long as they could prove that their goal was to breed a super-race of strong soldiers for the advancement of warfare."

    She added: "We cannot deny that the work carried out at that time has helped the advancement of medicine.

    "Until recently, the brains of people killed by euthanasia during the war were used for scientific research."

    Dr Heim's research also revealed a possible connection between the Nazis and the deceased Adolf Butenandt, whose work on sexual hormones and protein belonged to the greatest scientific breakthroughs in the 20th century.

    "I appreciate our revelations must be disturbing for the Max Plank Institute", said Dr Heim,"but the institute should be wary not to sit back and think that they have done their bit. They should use these findings as a platform to discuss science today and make sure that researchers keep within the ethical boundaries."


  23. 3. A warrant for Mengele's arrest, claiming he had murdered prisoners, was issued in 1959. He died in Brazil 20 years later.

    No laboratory note or manuscript relating to his work has ever been found

    Link Interview with Mossad Agent: 'We Could Have Killed Mengele' › English Site › World › World War II

    ... 'We Could Have Killed Mengele' ... Interview with Mossad Agent: 'We Could ... to fly back to Israel without him. SPIEGEL: Josef Mengele fled Germany for ...

    Matter of Josef Mengele Report - Justice · PDF file

    for Josef Mengele's arrest.Y This document, included in the appendix to this report, ... accepted by Israel's Yad Vashem memorial museum and institute.


  24. 4. 2015 Standard Life Building - Selma (70 some Mail Box Rental Company After August 27, 2015 (described dialogued above)imposed upon the writer a client picking up mail and as a retired caregiver - to the Stollery Family acknowledge that Joseph Mengele was in Edmonton Alberta sharing medical expertise and training . Charles Campsell hospital apparently - Aboriginal Residential Schools . These statements are made without prejudice are true based upon the best accurate written data available are not allegations. Selma's son-in-law apparently owns a security company Quest and it si best that he instruct Selma in how to prepare incident reports with evidence based written documentation to substantiate her claims

    5. This sheads light on the over 800 children that died in care.

  25. Blue, you do not even sit on the fence you fall for the written being an authority and what is not said justifies what you select as pertinent if not true. Posner a lawyer was not happy with the Mengele death story but DNA ended his public commentary.
    He favourited or liked anon of my tweets as beachhutman when I told my post 185 sighting was in 2002.
    For me the official record is a shill because I saw Mengele in context face to face and he disabled me for a few seconds. My workplace research was broken into twice and my home once that month, He was too short for the record but he had two spinal diseases and was in his 90's. So height is actually in my (and his) favour. The nature of Monarch programming makes hunting/ scaring tall poppies like me necessary as after a month. He had a minder with a camcorder in use as I fell and was still impeccably dressed. I was onto HIM, then but left the matter to others to concentrate on monarchprogramming(dot)com areas of cultural imagery. When in 2008 I realised from a photo this encounter with a short old German was him, life really got tricky for me.
    Suddenly the bones of Mengele were deemed to be cremated, the son started to let out Villa Almiran in 2008, I think my man was finally dead. I know what I read, saw, felt and heard. Tell me this is an authoritative account. His eyes were like gooseberries, his moustache thick, his face thicker and a bit Slavic I thought! And that chuckle? I can see why Eva Moses Kor is prepared to forgive to lift a burden of attributing guilt to a human being, and I argue he had reduced mens rea to do his stuff as must all Monarch agents or programmers, because I have been through 7 years of the NSA Extreme Process and I wouldn't harm a hair on those who have inconvenienced me with notional or actual torture in that time, It is possible to get used to anything, luckily with sublimation abilities, the likes of Mengele needed are just facsimiles now. Faked scripted torture is still torture,
    Go Figure this . I can't see pat the fingers or spoons in my eye from last night, (yup, they have a repertoire or script to follow and I survive. This is new. This is why my life is now as good as it ever has been. But at this point I know it is time to HAND ON THE BATON to someone, not Blue, who can discriminate between the real world and your inner one. Only one is true.

  26. Part 1 Unedited

    Academic journal article Alberta History
    Hans Mayer: An Atypical Nazi in Alberta By Grams, Grant W.- Read preview
    Article excerpt
    Five days before Canada declared war on Germany, a Vegreville farmer named Hans Mayer was arrested and interned. (1) At that time, he was described by Canadian authorities as follows:

    Following the rise to power [of Hitler], MAYER became an enthusiastic Nazi. The most influential German in the Vegreville
    district, MAYER is the President of the German Club [Deutsche Bund] and exercises complete domination over its members. He is an enthusiastic supporter of the Third Reich and endeavours to foster support for the Nazi cause by meetings and by personal canvas. He distributes German propaganda literature and his influence is such that he has obtained relief direct from Germany to prevent Germans from applying for local relief.

  27. Part 2 Unedited Hans Mayer

    He is interested in the question of German Nationals returning to Germany and has stated that if any German, whether naturalized or not, desires to return to Germany, the Third Reich will provide the ticket. (2)
    Hans Mayer was born on June 25, 1889, in Blaubeuren, Wurttemberg, Germany, and emigrated to Canada in November 1912. A stone mason by profession, he changed his vocation and became a farmer and cattle breeder near Vegreville. Shortly afterwards he returned to Germany, married, and came back in 1913 with his bride Bertha. They eventually had four children--two boys, Fred and Hans Jr., and two girls, Katie and Mina. Mayer won various provincial prizes for dairy cattle and seed grains and became well established as a farmer. He became a Canadian citizen in 1928.

    Prior to World War II, Mayer made two trips to Germany. On his 1923 visit he sold his property there and invested the money in his Alberta farm. His second trip was made in 1937, and with WW II looming, this visit and his admiration for Nazi Germany warranted special attention from Canadian authorities.
    One week before Canada declared war on Germany in 1939, it imposed the Defence of Canada Regulations under the War Measures Act. These regulations gave the government the right to intern any person that might disturb the safety of the state. Under these regulations, Mayer was arrested (3) and appeared before the Advisory Committee on the Restriction and Detention (ACRD). He was brought before Judge F.L. Smiley, W.J.R O'Mera, and Jacques Fortier in Calgary on January 23, 1940, to assess if he was a threat to the country (4) and should be detained. (5) Much about Mayer and his opinions were revealed in his personal testimony.
    According to Mayer, German speakers on farms around Vegreville had been meeting socially since 1927, visiting, playing cards, joking, and relaxing. In the 1930s its members were contacted by Montreal members of the Deutscher Bund, Canada (German Club). Mayer later maintained that Bund members in Montreal knew about him through his reputation and success as a cattle breeder, and that he had not sought them out. He contended that the promise of literature and recent news of events in Germany perked his attention, and swayed he and others to become members of a Nazi organization. (6)
    This essay will review the contact Mayer had with the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei--NSDAP) or Nazis in Canada prior to World War II. It was due to this contact that dictated that he would be detained during the war. Although this paper will examine aspects of Nazi organizations it is not meant to be an analysis of National Socialism in Canada.

    The Bund was founded on January 1, 1934, and initially membership was open to all German speakers, regardless of citizenship or country of origin. Adolf Hitler then issued a decree in late 1934 that National Socialist Party members and German nationals were not to be involved in the Bund. Thereafter the Bund worked almost exclusively amongst German-Canadians, claiming to merely advocate the advancement of German culture. … END –

  28. PART 3 Hans Mayer

    QUESTION: Why caused the Clergy , Priests, Faculties of Education Immigration to fail to say no to this Idea at the very beginning and instead invite the Devil into their midst. Did they become conditioned and loose the will to live outside GOD’s grace and Divine pleasure.END
    PROBLEM SOLVING - ROOT CAUSE IS ALWAYS THE SAME ANSWER: From the Desk of GOD Author unknown . Quote: if the Devil happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle . DO NOT do not attempt to resolve it . Kindly put that in the SJFD (Something for Jesus to Do Box) . It will be addressed in MY time not yours. When the matter is placed into the BOX , do not hold on to it or attempt to remove it . Holding on to or attempting to remove it will delay the resolution of the problem . If it is a situation you think you are capable of handling, please consult me in prayer to be sure that it is the proper resolution to use. I do not sleep nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to loose any sleep. Rest my child . If you need to contract me I am only a prayer away. Yours Eternally GOD Please pass this on to my other kids. See form attached with original instructions unedited. All My Hope is in GOD.
    PROBLEM Solving : Bohemian Grove – Cult of Mulock same = Human Sacrifice of babies, children, families, communities nations.

    These statements are made without prejudice true based upon the best written data available and are not allegations. END. GOD Save the Queen and her Heirs

  29. Part 1 Parchment of Chinon

    Restorative Justice : Non Catholic Grail Knights were originally exhonerated and cleared of heresy charges . Published 1991 THE PARCHMENT OF CHINON - THE ABSOLUTION OF POPE CLEMENT VOF THE LEADING MEMBERS OF THE TEMPLAR ORDER Chinon, Diocese of Tours, 1308 August 17th_20th (view)
    Original document formed by a large parchment folio (700x580mm), initially provided
    with the hanging seals of the three papal legates who formed the special Apostolic
    Commission ad inquirendum appointed by Clement V: Berenger Fredol, Cardinal Priest of the titular church of the Most Holy Nereus and Achilleus and nephew of the pope, Etienne de Suisy, cardinal priest of St. Cyriac in Thermis, Landolfo Brancacci, cardinal deacon of St.Angelo. In a reasonable state, even though there are some big violaceous stains, caused by bacterial attack. The original one came along with a plain copy still kept at the Vatican Secret Archives, with the reference Archivum Arcis, Armarium D 218. ASV, Archivum Arcis, Arm. D 217. Look for part 2

  30. Part 2 Parchment of Chinon

    The document contains the absolution Pope Clement V gave to the Grand Master of the
    Temple, friar Jacques de Molay and to the other heads of the Order, after they had shown to be repented and asked to be forgiven by the Church; after the formal abjuration, which is compelling for all those who were even only suspected of heretical crimes, the leading members of the Templar Order are reinstated in the Catholic Communion and readmitted to receive the sacraments. The document, which belongs to the first phase of the trial against the Templars, when Pope Clement V was still convinced to be able to guarantee the survival of the military-religious order, meets the apostolic need to remove the shame of excommunication from the warrior friars, caused by their previous denial of Jesus Christ when tortured by the French Inquisitor. As several contemporary sources confirm, the pope scertained that Templars were involved in some serious forms of immorality and he planned
    a radical reform of the order to subsequently merge it into one body with the other
    important military-religious order of the Hospitallers. The Act of Chinon, a requirement to carry out the reform, remained however a dead letter. The French Monarchy reacted by initiating a real blackmail mechanism, which would have then obliged Clement V to take a final decision during the Council of Vienna (1312): unable to oppose the will of the King of France, Phillip the Fair, who ordered the elimination of the Templars, the Pope, heard the opinion of the Council Fathers, and decided to abolish the Order «con norma irreformabile eperpetua» (bull Vox in excelso, 22nd March 1312). Clement V however stated that this suffered decision did not amount to an act of heretic condemnation, which could not be reached on the basis of the various inquiries carried out in the years prior to the Council. As
    a matter of fact, a regular trail would have been required in order to pass a sentence,including also the statement of the defensive position of the Order. But, according to the pontiff,· the scandal .aroused by the shameful accusations against the Templars (heresy,idolatry, homosexuality and obscene behaviour) would have dissuaded anyone, from wearing the templar habit and on the other hand, a delay on a decision regarding these issues would have produced the squandering of the great wealth the Christians had offered to the Order, charged with the duty to help fight against the enemies of the Faith in the Holy Land. The attentive consideration of these dangers, together with the pressure of the French, convinced the Pope to abolish the Order of the Knights of the Temple, just like had happened in the past for much more important religious orders and for much less important reasons.

    These statements are not miwritten ne they are unedited I write without prejudice true to the best possible accurate data available and are not allegations.

    Estate of the Knights of the Holy Grail must be returned to thier Heirs. All the Heirs have to do is stay alive and prevent genocide.END. All My Hope is in GOD.

  31. Kathleen Fraser

    6:21 PM (0 minutes ago)

    to dawn
    Image result for Sweetheart Roses Misty Pink

    Pink Sweetheart Roses
    1 for every year you are born - 1 for every second of the day you were born

    I love you Dawn always

    Love Mom
    Lord Lovat's Scouts Canadian Commandos

  32. Villa Almarin, Mougins, Cannes France.
    1. Now owned and let by Rolf Jenckel.. son of Mengele...(probably) son changed his name from Mengele to Mother's maiden name
    Lettings seem t have stated around 2008.
    My sighting/contact with I claim Mengele was in 2003 in his 90's death around 2007 thus likely.
    Almarin is either an old German boy;s name or means `"MASTER-WORK" That is German language in France.
    Mengele seemed obsessed with status (given or taken away, as it was) thus Masterwork fits the needy.
    Programming of media starlets was or is common. Cannes Film Festival 6km away.
    High sided roads very private and dissect.
    Villa Almarin is a 8 to 10 bed luxury Villa. ideal(?) for programming.
    Inside it looks aseptic and clinics..lik most let pictures, but it may be relevant it is devoid of too many clues????

  33. I should add to those new to this evidence it is based on a 2002 sighting during massive research n Google n monarch programming. I published anyway the A-Z Alice in Wonderland (2003) articles and supporting thoughts in 2004. It resulted in my claim that there was an intervention from an old German man with a minder and when I checked the obvious linking of my research (to Mengele the trauma sublimating expert) I found the news he had died in 1979 so forgot him for decade. Then I found a photo of him which made me question the evidence, mine nd the official stay which fell to bits after so long doing a good job of allowing Mengele to develop MK Ultra for the West and more..most of it recorded in different sites on the web.
    His eyes were tweed. His cheeks had necrotic black lines and he was by then only 5 foot 2..consistent with his two spinal disease and age i 2002. I am so glad I ignored the meet until I saw a photo a decade nearly later. And he has spurred me on to find the flaws in his story he died in 1975. Every claim his death was genuine i 1979 falls away under scrutiny, You will so accede..

  34. This is the full link as it was published in (correct this time!)

    Mudeford Sandbank New

    Alice In Wonderland - Part 1

    and so on...
    for .

    Alice In Wonderland - Part 2
    Alice In Wonderland - Part 3
    Part 1 (revised)
    Part 2 (revised)
    Part 3 (revised)
    Alice In Wonderland
    Corrections, Retractions and Apologies

  35. Blue, could you please elaborate on your mention of the Mennonites? My family was Mennonite initially and am not aware of anything untoward.

  36. Christinne,

    Wow. I am always surprised at bigotry when I see it. So Mengele was replaced by a scummy jew? I come from an anti semitic family. My father and other members of my family worshipped Hitler and hated Jews. I was so naive that I didn't figure it out until I was in my 50's because in spite of everything that has happened in my life (and it amounts to a lot of horrible shit) I could never really connect with this kind of hatred.

    I feel sorry for you, hater. You are a bigger, more tragic victim of mind kontrol than I am. I'm very very sorry for your inner pain. It is so evident in your words. I hope you can overcome and have peace in your heart.

    You should join or have someone do your genealogy. I would gladly help you. We could find out where the scummy jews in your family tree reside. I guarantee they are there, because we are all cousins. Much to my father's chagrin I found Jews in our genealogy. That was a pisser of a day!

    Bless you a thousand times with LOVE, With all that is Good and Holy and wholesome in the Universe. Bless you. But please don't write your hate in response to me, I am very sensitive about hatred and negativity. It hurts me in my heart, and I am very hurt by the poison I just read from you.

    It is only through love that we can overcome the evil in this world.

    Truly, Jacque

  37. To Christinne,

    Addendum: I bet you can't resist throwing hate at me.
    Haters rarely can. Hahaha!!


  38. Perhaps a program in meditation would be useful

    Love Love

    Note: Music is universal above politics

    Note: Art is the same

    Note: Meryl Streep today 1/9/2017 - Golden Globes - Feminism - Donald Trump is a man USA President Elect - he is a human being learning to evolve into a higher form of positive consciousness . Ms. Streep might want to study Buddhist meditation and learn the value of not reacting to perceived irritations - perhaps cease telling people what to do especially men.

    A venerable Scottish gentleman in my family (Canadian) once verbalized :
    Please bring me your problem with a remedy that works in a non judgmental manner on paper provide research 4 Pages please .

    Donald Trump has the right to express his position - perhaps get on board and be a big Adult Meryl Streep - Humans have the human condition of not liking anything new
    so do my CATS. Be a good human and learn to like each other men are part of the human race too Erin Pizzey has a whole library check it out.

    These statements are made without prejudice - are true based upon the best current written accurate data available and are not allegations. Ms Streep appears to be stop acting like a spoiled brat venting her ego. Sincerely it is hoped this is not the case. My CAT is demanding attention right now.END


  39. It's time-consuming to sort through all the personal attacks and counter-tweets that pass for politics.

    Apparently Streep was reacting to Trump's alleged mimicking of a disabled reporter months ago. Some say a video was edited to make it appear Trump ridiculed the man. I don't know. I do think Streep is somewhat overrated as an actor. But was she slandering "men" with her comments?

    I've tried "not reacting to perceived irritations" -- sometimes it works, sometimes it comes across as a superior attitude.

    Thanks for your perspective. As for me, I am not anti-Trump and think Hillary was a far worse prospect but only time will tell.

  40. My name is Guy Lemay and I am now 60 years old.

    I became an orphan at the age of two and I was then put in the St-Joseph Orphanage located on Belanger Street in Montreal for the good period of five years.

    While I was under the care of the Catholic Church, I was experimented on by Doctors who proceeded at conducting Electro-shock treatment on me.

    Around eight years old, I was released from the orphanage and placed into foster-home(s) - ergo the beginning of Hell-on-earth for me!

    The Electro-shock treatments had practically fried my brain and most of my cognitive abilities which made it difficult to cope with the world at large. I was simply unable to relate to others on an emotional level, as well as intellectually - I was simply the little retarded kids nobody wanted to play with!

    Thanks for allowing me to write about it, I don't have too many left to do so though!!!

  41. Thank you for writing CyTRON. I'm 62 and have been through it too. You are a brother.

  42. 3/3/2017

    Truly I am very very sorry and horrified that so many kids were subjected to this
    preventatble unconsciouse evil practices of a highly recognized War Criminal covertly living in Montreal through the Vatican Rat Line (jesuits and oblates) apparently and while the Nuremburg War Trials were occurring and after. There is no statute of limitations on murder and torture. END.

    Concerned professionals Grail Knights have reported that Margaret Sinclair Trudeau was also victimized evilly in the same manner as a person possessing Jewish Bloodlines and she alludes to this in her first book.END

    I ask and I wish that GOD restores what was wrongfully taken from these kids and the world hears of this and the perpetratrors are made accountable for thier very evil actions as what appears to be desciples of Molech.

    Mary Magdalene Laundry Movie - Aboriginal Residential Schools (these aboriignal people also Dece 2017 reported that they were knowledgable that Joseph Mengele was in Edmonton Alberta Easter SeaBoard and witheld key evidence from the Court System apparently (Foster Homes - Group Homes were also structured to perpetrate abuses as evil unauthorized experiments similar to WW11 and apparent retaliation perpetrated against Queen WW11 in lieu of her person diverted and imposed upon innocent kids.

    GOD save HM Majesty Queen Elizaeth 11 and her heirs.END aLL OUR hOPE IS IN GOD

    One person cannot do it all and you are very very brave people each and every one of you.GOD save you all.END

  43. Guy Lemay -- thank you so much for posting! I have heard of that orphanage on Belanger E -- but can't recall where or who told me about it. Those were very dark times to have been born an orphan in Quebec. You may have heard of Rod Vienneau and his book about the Duplessis Orphans --

    However it wasn't only the Catholic Church -- on the Protestant side, we had Dr Cameron and his international team of Nazi-minded scientists, mainly working out of McGill. If you read Peter DeWolfe's story (above), it becomes clear that there were any agendas running simultaneously that use children as guinea pigs.

    I'm so sorry these things happened -- but I'm also grateful that people are sharing their experiences at this blog.

    And thank you Blue -- I reread your posts today and now have a clearer sense of where you're coming from. Your research is very valuable but the question is, where to expose these shocking facts and put them in their proper context? There seems to be no question that Canada became human laboratory for post-war Nazis to continue their evil projects -- in residential schools, certain group homes, prisons, hospitals, and orphanages. And we are now living with the consequences -- but what are they?

    It's also true that no one person can put this ugly puzzle together -- we need a collective effort and all the help we can get from God -

  44. How is this for an example of a cherished institution actually precipitating desired responses that monarch programming seeks to create hyper vigilance, or whatever else there is I failed to notice (a real problem not a subtle joke). Anyway, struggle through this for a deniable process based on ergonomics. While I was in the hospital after a week one ward I mentioned was closed down and the next thing it was closed for six months, with reports they could not staff it. At the next hospital I stayed (40 days in total after thinking I (a regular guy, was pregnant after an interesting dream) I was only there for a week and I was told the workmen busy with wobbly mirrors and ergonomic disasters had already that day made over 100 improvements. I was making notes and said it was for a report which it was , the aforesaid website to which I added my report.
    I circulated it to all the usual suspects but no official response. Within 9 months auditors Mazars wrote a damning report on the Trust (Southern NHS Foundation Trust (Mental health). It turned out over 5 years 1,000 odd patients had died without explanation or investigation. Many were learning difficulties ..maybe that means aur=tistic spectrum which will raise a few eyebrows as when their illness is precipitate special features some desired by a State (?) can be seen or maybe tapped...the successful ones remaining alive. I might say obviously but I miss stuff...I never knew..the dead can't be interviewed?
    Then as the CEO was sacked and replaced by a man I wrote to also who proffered his resignation after 4 months, it seemed she had paid over 5 ywears £5m to people she did NHS courses with before her rise as a younger woman in harness?
    I remember concerns about the Common Purpose organisation about then...please look into that for all our sakes?
    Then after my supposed home visiting CPN was changed from a good's to someone who only wanted me to redact my name from my writings and become anonymous I thought I would show him he whatever his intentions would be findable.
    So nice trustable name Gerald Wainwright became at my hand a fake...nuthin on him but a photo told me he was a "spook" of some ingenuity...parading as a CPN (hard to achieve) with NO medical training. Luckily I had Home Office, Fire Service, Union and Masonic evidence this Roy Goring did have a heavy handed and delightfully illustrated web history, making him at best a
    spook in purpose if not in actual qualification. I didn't complain because as a presumed Monarch apologist he really had little choice in this year or those when he ws made into a marionette. Today I remember his arriving to see about 20 pages of A4 printouts with his true (?) identity, home, previous, wife and children etc on. ceiling wires I use for my socks. I told him he was welcome as a friend but not a professional. The new chap knows better. Maybe they really wanted to separate me from causes of illness, but I have been writing about monarch since 2003 and in my view hospitalisation is like your turn in the league tables of monarch victims to provide some calibration. be my guest and consider that I was happy to be pregnant as I did not think it was my problem...yes, I am lucky to have the hypo-manic version of Monarch Programming. Oh and I stole and it is my website to enjoy the sublimated history that is NOT all trauma and can even have rare ecstatic moments. Keep it real. Tim Baber Avon View BH24 1EB 01425 461360 UK

  45. GOD Bless You

    All our Hope is in GOD

  46. Ann Diamond - Thanks for the LINK.........hopefully it can answer the very questions which have been haunting me for so many years - was the nightmare real?

    However, there is an issue of trust that must be addressed before I can move on to the next step with this ongoing subject at hand. It is a great deal of concern to me for the simple fact that I have found myself in a battle of immense proportion involving some of the biggest and oldest Corporations on this planet. Consequently, this uphill battle has lead me to belief that the world isn't what it seems at the very core of our so-called Democratic and Humanitarian Institutions.

    To make a long story shorts, I have come to the conclusion that dark forces have existed on this planet for a very long time, and now they have become experts at promoting their very own views - Make WARS, and not PEACE!

    It is mainly in this toxic environment brought to us by the same players, which I have briefly mentioned here, that I have to continue on living with the rest of my life. Still, I will carry on this ordeal with a firm conviction into the belief that we are all accountable for the actions - or the lack of actions - we make during our brief existence on this planet. I totally agree with the notion that no one can escape this reality......and that's whether one beliefs(or not) in a higher form of existential BEING watching us all.

    Knowing that this reality applies to every human beings(rich or poor) has made me stronger and wiser - ergo my testimony brought to light!

    So it is with these words that I must leave you for now.

    Thanks for your cooperation on this matter!

    Guy Lemay

  47. 3/5/2017

    Guy LeMay Do all through GOD - Dark Forces desciples of MOlech

    Ann Diamond I am genuinely sorry for my apparent ignorance please forgive me signed Blue. GOD's grace be upon you in all your days.

    Ann Diamond - The Canadian Encyclopedia []
    Dec 16, 2013 - Ann Diamond, poet, short-story writer, novelist (b at Montréal, Qué 11 April 1951). Ann Diamond earned a BA at Concordia University and ...
    Ann Diamond - Wikipedia []
    Ann Diamond (born 11 April 1951) is a Canadian poet, short story writer and novelist. Contents. [hide]. 1 Bibliography. 1.1 Poetry; 1.2 Short stories; 1.3 Novels ...
    Ann Diamond []
    On a rainy night in October 1970, I crossed paths with Canada's most elusive poet. more · Ann Diamond Essays 12 Comments · diamond2-for-web.png ...
    Ann Diamond | LinkedIn []
    View Ann Diamond's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Ann Diamond discover inside ...
    Anne Diamond: Canadian MKUltra experiencer – Canadian Liberty []
    Dec 7, 2014 - Ann Diamond's Amazon Blog (one of her topics is Leonard Cohen) ... Schizophrenia” by the late Canadian psychiatrist Dr. Abram Hoffer [tbc] ...
    Mother of Darkness []

    Posted by Ann Diamond at 1:42 PM No comments: ... fit of rage one night, propelling Marianne into the arms of her Canadian poet admirer who lived up the hill.

    Ann Diamond Profiles | Facebook []

    View the profiles of people named Ann Diamond. Join Facebook to connect with Ann Diamond and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to...

  48. Jacqueline - I am supposed to have two older sisters: Diane & Gisèle.

    Gisèle was born two years before me, so she will most likely be 62 or 63 today. Whereas Diane - the oldest - apparently stayed with my mother to help her out with her illnesses.

    Gisèle also stayed at the St-Joseph Orphanage but in a separate dorm from mine. We only saw each others when all the children were allowed to play outside in the courtyard, or at meal-time in the basement cafeteria. But in all, I only have very few memories of her, and they aren't good ones to say the least.

    The last time I made an attempt at contacted Gisèle or Diane was roughly around the early part of the 80s. At the time I was leaving in Vancouver. But one day, while leaving there, I decided to head back to Montreal and try my luck at finding either sisters. It didn't long that I found myself back on Belanger Blvd searching for the Orphanage St-Joseph, which by then had been transformed into a Youth Center.

    Still, I was allowed in the Youth Center by a former nun - sister Agnes - who could remember me after all those years. It didn't take long before the conversation turned toward Diane & Gisèle whereabout. Unfortunately for me, she couldn't point either sisters' residential down such that I could try to reach them both.

    These days I just assume that all my immediate family are dead; it's much easier for me emotionally and mentally as well. But that is not to say I don't want to meet them. It is just that I don't have the financial means and resources to carry that out.

    Hopefully these new details are ringing a bell for you too!

    Thanks for participating in this BLOG.

    Guy Lemay

  49. Blue: re: Mengele's presence in western Canada, are you familiar with this blog written by the husband of a survivor of a Nazi project at Lincoln Park in Calgary, which has been kept classified for obvious reasons by our Department of Defense? David's wife remembers being taken from Northern Ireland by members of the military, following the death of both her parents in a car accident -- which is how she ended up at Lincoln Park.

    I was reminded of this again today when I came across this article about illegal adoptions from Ireland in the 1950s. It notes that many of the adoptive parents were members of the US military --

    Elsewhere I have read that military couples were often created (marriages of convenience) for the purpose of obtaining children for experiments, like the one at Indian Lake ( --

    Sad to say, I have no trouble believing that our governments were deeply involved in child trafficking, and still are.

    This is a horrible thing to be interested in, and much worse to have been involved in -- but once you know, it's very hard to shut up about it.

  50. Dear Ann, I'm an American trying to figure out if I was sent to Montreal. I can remember what things looked like from my first day there. They may be fragmented memories though, for all I know. I was thinking that if it was at a facility in Canada I might actually be able to find my own records. Could I give some descriptions to see if it rings a bell for anyone? There are not many ways to disseminate this stuff to a wide audience to come up with matching evidence.

  51. Jacqueline, please go ahead and post here if you feel comfortable about it. Be as detailed as you want - probably the more the better. How old were you, the year, where did you come from, were you alone or with others, and what are your memories? Someone might recognize something and be able to help.

  52. For all - essential reading:

    This is a brilliant analysis of Cathy O'Brien's TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA - a book I read in 2002 and tried unsuccessfully to recommend to friends. Most just dismissed it without even reading it, and the handful who read it refused to believe it.

    The human capacity for denial is what fuels the sociopathic cabal and enables it to rule the world with total impunity -- as Guy has pointed out.

  53. 3/8/2017

    Anne Diamond

    re: Ann Diamond said...

    Blue: re: Mengele's presence in western Canada, are you familiar with this blog.END

    I was not familiar with Calgary / this blog until Ms. Diamond posted it. END. Alternatively we were familiar and had oftenthe phraise posted on us that "nothing good occurs in Alberta for the Autistic or the learning disabled - Continuous or constant non abusive treatment care and drug free. Retro 1974.END


    Review: 2010 October 1, - researching a course at Rock and Gem - Owner Assad Jaffer Senior and a client of his - a widow - were dialoguing a course offered and discussion - WW11 - Giants of Tyrol Ireland - and many children of Canadian Military Veterans WW11 had no parents - were raised with relatives in remote areas of Camada Nova Scotia - Incident (late morning a Navy Military Veteran was in the store with a smaller woman clutching his arm and appeared to be listening)- The gentleman Patterson Westlock walked over introduced himself to us imposed upon us that he had personally been involved in hiding these kids, myself -Canadian Military Veterans upon returning from WW11 were absolutely horrified that Josef Mengeles was in Canada Montreal via Jesuit Ratline verified Otto Strasser was in Nova Scotia - further disclosed that he and other Canadian Military Veterans WW11 Scottish Highlanders (Genocide of Culloden)Lord Lovats Commandos WW11 were subjected to what is considered criminal acts under the criminal Code of Canada Sexual slavery - prostituting themselves under the guise of marriage - forced to walk away from any marital relations - marriages they were engaged in which makes the subsequent breeding program null and void and the issue illigitimate with no legal standing apparently - Aboriginal people - IT Employee - reported Dec 2016 that they knew Josef Mengeles was in Alberta???? Selma 2015 - 2016 reported the same 3/7/2017 app 1:31 became distressed verbally and imposed upon the writer over the telephone "where are you getting these stories the internet I suppose. I politely hung up.These statements are made without prejudice true based upon the best accurate data available and are not allegations. A record a diary. Calagary??? No knowledge of this until Ann Diamond posted a blog . These children appear to be part of the Mary Magdalene Laundry Issue/s. END. Same GOD Bless.

  54. Null and void means forced marriages - are illegal Compassion humility

  55. I'm certain at least some of the many alleged Mengele sightings around North America are real, even allowing for cases of mistaken identity. The scientist in charge of the Lincoln Park MKULTRA project went by "Bob Armstrong" but according to the sole survivor, had a slight German accent. Someone speculated it might have been Dr. Franz Six, based on records he had seen.

    I have met several people who claim they were experimented on by Mengele in Canada and the US. After reading the official biographies, both written by CIA assets named "Gerald" (Posner and Astor) I'm pretty convinced his death in 1979 was a hoax - therefore he could have lived on to a ripe old age, and would now be 106 --

  56. Does anyone remember this?I will try to be as succinct as possible. It happened late 50's early 60's. I was around 5. I came from Columbus Ohio. I was small, a little chubby and had very blonde hair. I would go to a facility and then be brought home at least 2X's. It was very far away by car. Usually 3-4 months stays. The room I stayed in was like a dormitory or ward with beds lining both walls of the long room. My bed was closest to the door. From my bed I could see a bank of tall windows that went the entire length of the wall, with window panes that were open in the middle. So like the windows were divided into three parts and they opened the middle section by tilting the window up and out. The first night I was there I was in bed crying and an older girl with brown hair around shoulder length sneaked over to my bed and asked me to come play with her in a place where the bathroom blocked the window in the closed door. A couple of other girls came over and then went back to bed. Someone caught us and I was told that because I was new and didn't know the rules I would not be punished but the other girl would. The next day they brought her into the dorm and she had obviously had major electric shock. She was like a zombie.(This girl also told me that they left the window open no matter the weather.) They put her in bed and made me go over and look at her and told me this is what happens when you break rules. She was unresponsive and not blinking, just straight ahead staring. I don't know how long, but her bed was empty later. There was a room that had a number of cubicles where I was supposed to push a button to answer something or make something happen. I have different faint recall of what I was supposed to do. Each time I answered wrong I would be shocked. I could hear the other kids cry out sometimes. I got shocked so many times that I just laid my head on the table and pushed the button over and over again. There were long corridors. I was walking down one holding my handlers hand and being led by a woman in a white coat and looked into an open door and saw a ritual going on with a child on an alter, hooded figures and a man who was trying to scare the kid. He had a mask that looked like a polynesian god or toltec god. That seems weird. Once in a while we kids could talk to each other secretly, but it was forbidden. They didn't want me to even look at the other kids. I have a faint memory that I wouldn't eat and grew very thin. I have not worked out things with all my Alters so that is the extent of my memories so far. I already had Alters from childhood abuse but they made clear that this is a whole different system and they are separated.

  57. Jade Free: that's a terrifying story. Based on what I know, it could have been McGill -- which of course does not mean it was but they did have children living in a room with a horizontal row of windows. They did use electroshock on children, and also put them in sensory isolation, trained them in ESP and photographic memory - and there were permanent residents as well as visitors. Carol Rutz (A NATION BETRAYED) writes and has given talks about her memories of the lab at McGill - she was brought there from her home in (I think) Michigan. Talking was forbidden, and the children sometimes spoke in whispers. They called the doctors "White coats" and created their own secret code using a system of tapping --

    Some of this I learned through a remote viewing session that travelled to McGill in 1960 where we spoke with several children who were imprisoned there. Some were from broken homes in Montreal. An international team of doctors ran these experiments, which could be lethal. Anywhere from 17 to 25 children could be there at a time. Other children came on weekends. McGill would throw a "party" where the weekend children would be introduced to the others.

    I am sure this also happened elsewhere -- but McGill would be a good bet.

    Do you remember what was outside the row of windows? Or anything else about the environment when you arrived?

    Thank you so much for posting this! And thanks to your alters!

  58. Blue: re the Scottish Highland regiment - have you heard of Lynn Moss Sharman? She is a MKULTRA survivor from Ontario, whose father was in this regiment - I think he was from Newfoundland -- and after the war as a relatively young veteran he seems to have sold his very young daughter to the Masons, for experiments in the Hamilton area. Or so she believed --

    I am sure many WW2 veterans were pressured and blackmmailed in numerous ways -- this happened to my father, which is how my twin brother and I ended up at McGill at age 5.

  59. a tip off from beachhutman on twitter to whom you may look for an innocent library assistant meeting Mengele and proving to himself at least Mengele 's death in 1979 was an intel shill to enable him to travel, maybe live in Cannes ...the luxury Villa Almarin in Mougins, ( son letting out since 2008...) and to assess any threat to the program (ancient by the way) from an accidental tall poppy getting into the fray from researching Theme parks. Check out on google,e Will Filer of NSA Psyops Extreme Process. I was only a month into intensive print first read later quick and dirty research. Tim Baber
    BTW Nobody believes me, moves quickly on or goes blank. One or two block...I hope they get what they will need somewhere from you? beachhutman on twitter

  60. I'm guessing because son Rolf Mengele now Jenckel a retired lawyer is since 2007 wish running a luxury Cannes Villa as a let ($5,000 a. week) that that villa was in father's name prior to 2008.
    I can confirm on that my claim I met Mengele in 2002 into the context of my then research into theme parks and monarch programming.
    I this suppose Mengele really died between 2003 and 2007.
    The 8 to 10 bed villa is close to Cannes if programming was done there that might be relevant. The name (this is Cannes remember) of Almarin can be an old German boy's name. But it also sort of means "masterwork".That is a German word in France. Mengele seems dependent on praise and his work was extraordinary if he managed to move programming from real violence to sublimated violence. Yes I know that is deterministic when it should be a volunteered not pressured, but given two evils against freedom which daughter would you select for violence, and sublimated violence, or for that matter the newer moves to revert to sublimating the ecstatic route to slavery which I am investigating as beachhutman on twitter.

  61. Hi beachhutman: the "theme park" connection to Monarch Programming is of great interest -- It came up again recently when I learned Leonard Cohen's manager/attorney Robert Kory tried to raise money to build a massive Wizard of Oz theme part in Kansas City -- the project fell apart just before Kory came up with the scheme to save Cohen's shaky financial situation by blackmailing his advisers in Colorado and ultimately framing Cohen's agent Kelley Lynch who was accused of "stealing' millions from the singer's retirement fund. I personally think Cohen was under deep mind control from his early days and also in the later years -- and Kory was the mastermind, with connections to the Transcendental Meditation cult going back to the 1970s.

    Disneyland and Disneyworld are programming centers, according to many including Fritz Springmeier --

    Theme parks are great places to "lose" children for a few hours. My brother and I were taken to Ausable Canyon and Fort Ticonderoga in upstate New York in 1960 or 61 -- it's likely we were programmed there as Dr Cameron was based in Albany, but I have no detailed memories, just suspicions based on what happened to our family just before and after.

  62. Cohen and the Wiz:

  63. HI ANN! Thanks for the info. VERY helpful. I wish I could have a private conversation with you for some advice. I understand if that's not possible.

  64. It would be possible but a little tricky. I prefer email --

  65. FYI Alison Miller will be speaking at this conference in Oakland, CA

    Working with Deliberately Structured Personality Systems
    Many therapists working with dissociative disorders have encountered clients with very complex, structured and layered personality systems created by organized perpetrator groups. This workshop will describe the characteristics of such systems as reported by survivors: the internalized structures or "worlds" where parts believe they live, the internal leadership and hierarchies, the "jobs" assigned to parts by perpetrators, and the security precautions embedded into such personality systems. We shall look at what survivors report about the methods by which such systems are created, the childhood and ongoing indoctrination, and the training or "programming" of parts to do their "jobs." Effective treatment involves working with the internal leadership to turn off and eventually dismantle the programming, while maintaining physical safety as much as possible.

  66. Ms Anne Miller

    The Mathematical Science of the universe is love = GOD = the mathematical science of the universe love.Positive Quantum Physics. END

    Alternatively it is reasonable to believe that innocent people can be subtly brainwashed into believing they are victims of mind control experiments and it
    appears that these workshops are missing a component apparently a financially structured industry . All Our Hope is in GOD.END.

    My Father like many others were witnesses to the atrocities of Dr. Mengeles - children of these veterans are made to live out each generation the criminal experiments of Dr. Mengeles (Dr. Death) and for this person to be in MOntreal
    Canada covertly setting up arranging these experiments at a university are violations of the Nuremburg War Trial Trubunals. One such experiment is the deliberate creation of the F__K and S__k dolls of concentration camps (boys
    turned into girls).END

    There are creditable witnesses (date, passport place, hotel invoice, rental invoice, passport or any other bill Utility rent that verifies name place of residence otherwise verbal statements without factual written evidence appear to be gossip and
    very destructive to people.END

    These statements are true based upon the best accurate current written data available- are without prejudice and are not allegations.END



  67. Anne Diamond

    California posses as a central focus Bohemian Grove.


    Signed the Writer.

  68. Yes, Blue - I think it's quite likely that Mengele, who was reported to be at McGill ca 1956, was involved in setting up the experiments on children that my brother and I entered at that time. In my memoir MY COLD WAR I describe a children's party at the Allan Memorial Institute in August 1956t , which was set up by the scientists. CIA records show Dr Cameron bought supplies for that party, including ingredients for "fruit punch" and a bottle of ether. My unwitting mother brought us to the door that day, but the guard did not allow her to accompany us. In remote viewing sessions, I was shown (in 2004) that the children participated in experiments involving ESP and other games, some of which were aggressive. One little girl (with a polio brace on her leg) lay on a table, dead. I was also told Mengele was the mastermind, rather than an active participant -- I think your comment is right on

  69. 'Guy Lemay, "CyTRON"
    Jacqueline - I am supposed to have two older sisters: Diane & Gisèle.

    Gisèle was born two years before me, so she will most likely be 62 or 63 today. Whereas Diane - the oldest - apparently stayed with my mother to help her out with her illnesses.

    Gisèle also stayed at the St-Joseph Orphanage but in a separate dorm from mine. We only saw each others when all the children were allowed to play outside in the courtyard, or at meal-time in the basement cafeteria. But in all, I only have very few memories of her, and they aren't good ones to say the least.

    The last time I made an attempt at contacted Gisèle or Diane was roughly around the early part of the 80s. At the time I was leaving in Vancouver. But one day, while leaving there, I decided to head back to Montreal and try my luck at finding either sisters. It didn't long that I found myself back on Belanger Blvd searching for the Orphanage St-Joseph, which by then had been transformed into a Youth Center.

    Still, I was allowed in the Youth Center by a former nun - sister Agnes - who could remember me after all those years. It didn't take long before the conversation turned toward Diane & Gisèle whereabout. Unfortunately for me, she couldn't point either sisters' residential down such that I could try to reach them both.

    These days I just assume that all my immediate family are dead; it's much easier for me emotionally and mentally as well. But that is not to say I don't want to meet them. It is just that I don't have the financial means and resources to carry that out.

    Hopefully these new details are ringing a bell for you too!

    Thanks for participating in this BLOG.'

    Dear Guy, I am sorry that I did not find your comment sooner. I hope you are still in touch with this blog.

    I'm sorry, but what you have described doesn't ring a bell for me. I find that I have only a few very short memories. They are quite clear and enough to tell me what kinds of things happened to me and to suspect I was at McGill University in Montreal.

    I had a family that I was sent home to in between my stays at the program site. I don't recall being in an orphanage, however, I have always felt like an orphan. If it weren't for the fact that I have received good information about my past through my Aunts and my Mother I wouldn't have a good framework for what I DO remember.

    I pray that you find your biological family, your sisters, in this lifetime. I wish I could say that I remember a Diane or Gisele, but the names of the children I came into contact with have not come back to me. I do remember that as "inmates" at the place I was at, we were family if only in our hearts and souls. I felt that I was a part of the family of children and it is one of the only times I felt like I belonged in my life.

    Please know that you have family here through Ann, I am sure, and through me and many others. I believe everyone who fell into the hands of the darkness are family and we love in a way that I think is somewhat different than the so called "normal" people of this world.

    Love and Peace, Jacqueline

  70. Just a thought, whilsty trauma seems to have been the vehicle to forget and so on, is my "lite" version of events as sublimated in the media and the performing arts. Whilst not knowing enough to make choices for anyone else I hoped the sublimation of trauma thus hineted at might make life and exposure to TV video film and all the other performing arts tolerable. Othewise it is my guess we bacome enslaved by fleeting associations few would consider evidence of bad practices and a historical view I have this is as old as the hills. Prof Rogan taylor wrote a book on Shamanism and the performing arts (they were the grand daddies of sublimation and motif development) in 1986 which changed my life. Today..aware thanks to my reading his book, he now says perhaps he should stop watchinhg TV. Now he is a mature academic. Think of the exposure you allow to your own mind with all those admitted triggers and reinforcing things I am now finding myself surrounded by. See too many owls? Read about them and monarch. Then read about Moloch. Then read get the idea.. My beachhutman tweets have just disappeared, the first annoyance in years, so maybe i am right?

  71. Thank You

    It takes great courage to bring that subject forward END

    All ancient scriptures say so.END

    Quantum Physics substantive step forward. END

    Today is Good Friday. In all Three Books of Abraham revere Jesus Christ , Jeshua, Essa and Aboriginals call him the Gift Giver sent by the Great Spirit.END

    On this day set aside this day this personage ascended the cross as a willing sacrifice on behalf of humanity in loving obedience as the sarifical Lamb to the One GOD of Abraham escorted by Archangel Michael and the Host of Heaven.END

    Think of the possibilities the alternative of this never being necessary in the beginning if humanity possessed the knowledge to live in peace . All Our Hope is in GOD. Love the Lord thy GOD with all thy heart, All the mind, All they Body and there is no other GODs before ME for I am a Jealous GOD and I am then now and Forever for I am the Great I am and I am everywhere.END

    The writer asks for all that is Good with gratitude for what I have and asks for healing for the those historic - present- beginning - Law Enforcement/RCMP - Active Military Canadian all over the world - Canadian Military Benefits all over the world . Humanity all over the world. My daughter Dawn Doncaster - My son Christian Engler Alberta and All Our Hope is in GOD. Quantum Phyiscs appears to e a gift from GOD oriignally and returned to the common people. Wallace D. Wattles.END

    These statements are made without prejudice and are true based upon the best accurate written data available and are not allegations Shamanic Healing has great benefit for those enlightened to follow this path.If it is their choice.END

  72. Joseph Mengle was reported and documented with forensic evidence to being in Montreal Quebec in 1949 teaching classes at their local university.These statements are made without prejudice and are true based upon the best accurate written data available and are not allegations Shamanic Healing has great benefit for those enlightened to follow this path.If it is their choice.END

  73. Desert Flower

    Truly I am sorry for the loss of your twin.
    The suffering you both were wrongfully subjected to but is indicative that these children like yourself were wrongfully evilly subjected to live human medical experimentation.END

    It appears these medically trained people were trained desciples of Molech wrongfully infiltrating Canada - USA - Immigration - (Simlar to Ireland)- Paper Clip Community - early as mid 1800's and training appears generational please consider watching PBS Secrets of the Dead Bugging HItlers Soldiers. Originally recorded on LP Records transferred to DVD public domain - available to public app 5,000 files 1 page per file approximate Military Archives Suffolk England.

    Process of restorative justice . Question are you able to obtain written file records concerning you and your twin. Please forgive humanities apparent transgressions towards you and your twin. Blue Sapphire

    Is Anne Diamond able to assist you in Canada and Can the RCMP in Canada assist you?

  74. Dear Desert Flower,
    My deepest regrets and sympathy for the loss of your twin. I am one who needs support from others also. If you would like I can give you my email address. I am a US citizen and I live in the state of Utah.

    I only began remembering things over the past year. I'm 62. Do not feel alone. We can all support each other is our recovery. Personally, for me, what has been helping me a lot is turning to my Angels for healing. We all have them no matter what we call them or what spiritual belief we have.

    Thank you for being so brave and writing to Ann's Blog for support. The more who reach out, the greater our power to fight back.

    Love Peace and Blessings

  75. Angels for healing? Whatever works, and religion in any form is included, is mimicked or replicated by monarch programming. I know you want to heal but this is what people are up against today:... I refer anyone to the use of in bare bones, irrespective of emotion.
    Yes of course we can all have beliefs and they can move mountains...but I reject it all for the sake of brevity and simplicity and still find time to honour my ancestors as it were. With Monarch you may remember being asked where was your "safe place' it is a hypnotists gambit. The only answer you should give is everywhere you are. Also you think of an entity...Monarch will have been there before you. One rare excursion t o a opub I met with an attractive blonde who was a straight shooter and refereshingly candid. I spotted her mobile phone had angels and forget me nots in bling. She answered the obvious question with it being her guardian angels. Right. I suggested gently she might look up tinkerbelle programming with monarch programming. She had minders. When the socialising waned shelooked to her not far awy minders and said "What about the snoring" I had just bought an applephone app that had told me my snoring several times the first night was "epic". I'M GUESSING THIS WAS YET ANOTHER HONEY TRAP.. Well, given our provenance and the chance of this not ending well, I legged it. The chance I was saying goodbye to love is not real concern, see beachhutman on twitter yesterday for what I think of love, and revulsion, and love anyway.
    Sometimes I think the ecstatic route to dissociation might be something (Rogan taylor 1986) and I think I know why trauma is used instead...because it is infinitely calibrated in millions of cases to impose the condition of enslavement.
    it is not a bad discipolibne, to know mimickry as falsehood. Or repulsion as genuine. For we are all different even with monarch biting at our heels...but choosing angels to be your invisible friend? Monarch was doing that before warfare enslaved males and females alike. Angels are if you are not wise overseers and an emollient you should reject though every nerve and sinew in your body wants to believe this or that. What drives me? The film Park Row had a fighting fit editor at the top of his game which can carry of till death with iournalism. He said..."Never let anyone tell you what to write".
    sadly, I know from "interference" that information, knowledge even wisdom, can supplant what I have written, and that I still do
    seems to be a crass agreement between Monarch and myself, they tell me what to write and I pretend to write it. ..Sometimes word substitution has been given away by humour..for they cannot resist that now and then... Sometimes I think the thrust of what I write has another source..victims will know this feeling. Hopefully if I keep volte face with their enslavement of others
    and keep offering pardons for the gift of freedom to those enslaved..for they all must be... then progress might be made.
    In the meantime the joys of librarianship and journalism dovetail into activism..but that would be you?, not me, I am too busy scanning the horizon for motifs of the murder of every generations offspring since someone noticed the power of truma...nd ironically with the ecstatic roiute, angels...for they make enforcement a breeze?

  76. All My Hope is in GOD - the One GOD of Abraham and angels take instruction from GOD to preserve and serve humanity - positive Quantum physics - = Love.

    Signed Blue

  77. Tinkerbell Sydrome

    An invention by mental health professions to secure additional market place and GOD ferets out that which seeks to destroy his greatest creation humanity - defending protecting securing safety according to Culture. OHS.

  78. What does OHS mean?

    One year I dressed up like an old cigarette smoking fairy Madame for a Halloween Party. I got drunk. I danced on the tables. I hit my head on the ceiling. Then I caught my husband in the backyard cheating on me. LOL!!! Tinkerbell is a slut, make no mistake. She probably has herpes too. F'n Fairies!

    How about calling me a bit Airy Fairy? I'm not a doe eyed Disney character. However, I did once fall in love and marry a boy who would never grow up.

    I think that makes more sense than some of the comments above. I'm sorry, but a lot of what I see written here doesn't make sense to me. I DO have trouble with longer comments due to Dissociative Disorder, beachhutman. My attention span and ability to keep focused are a problem for me. And I am new to the area of MK Ultra and conspiracy theories. So perhaps I don't understand because of that. But it seemed like you, beachhutman, were not being a nice guy at all. It seems like you were being derisive and belittling. If I am wrong please correct me and try to explain your point of view again for me. If I have judged incorrectly please correct me so I can apologize. Like I said, when I read sometimes things turn to gobble-de-goop. Then again there's always a chance it is gobble-de-goop.

    Blue: I believe Quantum Physics = God who is in all, and above all. Angels take instruction from God. Yes. I see my spiritual helpers as Angels. Healing takes a lot of hard work and doesn't take place immediately, even with Angels. I have a long way to go. I am facing extremely difficult things at present, and need as much positive energy as possible.

    I'm going to smudge the house when I get done with this, with sage and sweetgrass to clear the negative energy. I believe in the power of crystals and rocks. I believe in "Good, good, good, good vibrations (bop bop, Excitation)". I believe in the healing power of nature. I believe in prayer and meditation. I believe in remote viewing and astral projection. I believe in mirroring neurons and what they mean in terms of Quantum Science. I also believe that the light at the end of the tunnel in near death experience may be a trap, and I plan to ram right through it to the other side and check things out. Maybe it IS God and he/she/it will catch me. You may believe other things. I respect that.

    Funny, none of us can prove what we believe. Except for the Science. There are new discoveries in Quantum Science every day and I'm into that too. I have more to say about the Angel thing but it won't fit here. But I would ask that you respect the fact that I am facing terribly difficult times right now, and I'm working as hard as I can to break through, and that I only began remembering less than a year ago. So behave.

    My therapist had absolutely nothing to do with the Airy Fairy Angel action. He never "suggests" anything. He is highly ethical. He never suggested I visualize Angels, if that's what you meant. And he certainly never suggested MK Ultra to me. I found out on my own.

    The further I delve into MK Ultra the more I am surprised at the ease of telling what is real and what is false. I think that's due to age and broken deteriorating programming. I feel pretty confident that a breakthrough is imminent and that something big lies on the horizon. I think big changes are coming and many will be harshly surprised. But don't drink any cool-aid just yet. I know I could be wrong.

    EXcuse me. I am co-conscious with an Alter and may regret what I am writing here. LOL! We should all have a sense of humor, you know.

  79. I haven't listened to this yet, but it looks interesting and relevant to survivors who experience "alter states":

  80. In response to my being cited for not being positive enough....well, I do think all the supernatural..positive stuff should be challenged as much as any other must haves or must do's. As such I allow for such things by saying at least they should be optional. I will allow this.
    Certainly when you cannot trust your sense impressions, after years of what seems to be the Extreme Process (NSA variety) I have been aware at least that they can be overrun (Force Majeure is a term that might help those thinking you need to have capitulated as to the value of volunteering and its supposed necessity which feeds the monarch cycle of fear doubt greed and anxiety. When you know this is surely what has gone before you you stick with what you literally cling to old knowledge. I certainly recoil from anyone, Fritz SPRINGMEIER included who assume the use of masonic/satanic motifs, names, sense impressions and explanations are due to the breakthrough into the "true supernatural". Best assume it is a con.
    I would imagine that for me to have followed many paths to this point, there will be others too, and other schools of thought all fighting it out according to Monarch ideas of survival of the fittest.
    I say it is all mimicry by Monarch conflating traditional enemies or dividing natural allies..all the while turning attention to who, when as far as I can see since after so many generations those that can direct have not the skill to do so for any worthwhile ethical continuance of "freedom" in its widest sense. Those tasked with such and such a duty will be marginalised at best. IT does not matter because those monarch controlled functionaries do not have mens rea so all is pardonable, and those who do have any awareness and thus mens rae will be so small . I follow the likelihood all programmers and above are themselves victims for the safety of the system. In order to wind down the program all personnel will need pardons anyway, guilty with mens rae or not and it will be a tiny infintisimal charge on justice for all ;if you take the long view.
    The true nature of what is our future is something that should transcend the comforts of monarch to those under its canopy.
    I l;ike to think that simply by reminding everyone of the old ecstatic approach more pleasure can be found for more people, but they will foul that up because freedom is not a word trauma based programmers know and therefore are unlikely to vote for it..if ever they could. I suggest live life as if it were a life long party and those that try to drain you from your variegation, should not be allowed anywhere near you. A website I created is what is going on in hospitals right now.
    beachhutm,an on twitter extends depends and looks farther backwards than most in proving the NHS is under the burden of monarch or whatever it is called now. WE are not too old to have seen this done under our noses. If you think angels are going to save you which angels would that be? My angel is that of have a terrific gift from what you said Jade, but no newspaper editor is going to give you any more space than, er, me, because you have some sort of angelic presence. Most newspaperwomen or men will say, "Just give us the facts, Maam." It is a hard life to convince others anything that does not
    sit naturally with their assumptions, presumptions and whatever passes or goes along for a time with their thought processes, whether tied to convention, skepticism or completely out of it ideation. Some of what we all know matters. Tim Baber (60)

  81. I leave this in the hands of the One GOD of Abraham, Jesus Christ, the 9 archangels of Heaven

  82. It is not hard to convince people with investigative science and in this case you state it is going on in hospitals today so that has to be
    brought forward speedily for the safety security of the people wrongfully afflicted.END

    Nothing is too difficult for GOD.

  83. It would be helpful for me to know if this is a forum in which one may seek out supportive, sympathetic feedback from people who have experienced mind control, or, is it a forum for information and argument over differing ideas? Either is fine, but I'm out looking for support and friendship.

    I may have misunderstood the intent here. I need support and friendship. Somehow, I get the feeling that there isn't anyplace on or offline to be supportive or to support others with similar problems.

    I've heard stories about others in my area who are mind control victims. But the problem is the stygma. Everyone knows this stuff happened, but no wants to believe that it happened to YOU. And of course, due directly to mind control in and of itself, we tend to be afraid to TELL.

    It's to far out of the norm, and therefore unacceptable to the normal human mind. It's like experiencing UFO's or the Mandela Effect. You just need to learn to keep your mouth shut.

    Ann supplies a wonderful amount of useful experience and information, and she's also quite supportive and friendly, so I'm glad to have found this blog. Therefore I will remain a reader. But I'm not one for arguing about personal experiences or choice of words.

    Beachutman, I have trouble with reading and comprehension. Also I tend to read things into comments that may or may not be true. I'm not looking to be published. Angels were the only way I could think of to describe what I, personally was experiencing at the time that desert flower wrote. So your last comment leaves me confused. I'll just let you know that in writing something to me it is helpful to be a little more blunt and to the point. So, just tell me I'm a dumbass, or tell me that you didn't mean to attack me, or tell me that you have adjusted your attitude to my words but you differ. LOL!! All else will fail for me. I even find it hard to write. That's dissociation for you. I'm going through a particularly tough time with it.

    BTW, it took me hours to write this little bit.

    To any and all who read this and wish to respond, know that I have DID. I am co-conscious most of the time but I don't always know when I'm being overwhelmed or taken over by an Alter/Ego State and just watching numbly from the backseat. In the past I've tried using different names for different states, but it doesn't work for me. So when you see Jade Free, know that, haha! "life is like a box of chocolates..." I have a lot of fragments. I don't even know how many or how they are arranged. But I do the best I can to be honest and true to MYSELF.

  84. Jade Free: this is not really a "forum" - it's just the comments section for my blog which I have not had much time to update lately. I've been following what people post here, wondering if I should try to moderate this discussion but as I'm no longer researching Mengele I find myself with little to add - I'm having a hard enough time finishing my memoir about Leonard Cohen, while following the news that suggests our planet really is on the brink of total trauma-based psychosis.

    I agree with Blue that we need to look to a higher power and maintain a spiritual outlook - and I also believe we all have our healing work to do. I'm not really sure what beachhutman is so wound up about or why he feels the need to slice ND dice his experience (and that of others) with such a sharp blade - but i'm for freedom of expression as long as nobody gets hurt.

    With that, I'll just say thanks to all of you for keeping this section alive. I'm sorry to be absent - I've been processing some difficult new material that has left me a bit tongue-tied frankly.

    I will email you, Jade Free. Appreciate your caring effort in bringing coherence here.

  85. I totally agree with freedom of expression, Ann. The whining about needing support was because I spent a long weekend with family. WA Wa wa...

    So. If anyone still wishes to call me a dumbass, go for it! I won't get hurt. It goes hand in hand with me slapping myself in the forehead and yelling DUMBASS! so frequently lately, like I have Tourette's or something. LOL!!

    Bless you all!

  86. Jade free

    OHS - Canada - Legislation - Occupational Health and Safety - Free on the Internet
    anti harassment of any kind - Anti Bullying (same) - Anti verbal assault

    It would be helpful for me to know if this is a forum in which one may seek out supportive, sympathetic feedback from people who have experienced mind control, or, is it a forum for information and argument over differing ideas? Either is fine, but I'm out looking for support and friendship.

    I may have misunderstood the intent here. I need support and friendship. Somehow, I get the feeling that there isn't anyplace on or offline to be supportive or to support others with similar problems.

    Note: you 1st need to support yourself with clear precise exact written documentation - legal - - Exhibits - 1st start with yourself.END

    United Nations on Torture - Erin Pizzey.END

    Friendship ?? Start with yourself - like yourself first .Go forward not backwards

    GOD Jesus Christ 9 archangels are your best friends invite them into your life.END

    Molech - desciples of Molech are not your friends - Parasites (analogy) Archons of the North South West East are not your friends.END

    These statements are made without prejudice and are true based upon the best accurate current written data and are not allegations.END

    Signed Blue

  87. Thank you Blue, I've been working hard on my self-esteem for a long time now. I have to say that I am happy with myself and know, after years of therapy, that I am a good and likable person, though quite imperfect, as of course, all humans are. I have found my self-love by looking within and examining my heart. Things are much better than before I started to remember the abuse and get therapy.

    In regards to friends, one of my revelations was that the type of person I seemed to be automatically drawn to was not healthy. This in fact, has caused me to be overly cautious because I don't know precisely what kind of program caused this problem in judgement in the first place. I don't want to get entangled in another abusive relationship.

    I've also been working VERY hard on my spirituality, but have just become aware of certain obstacles that I believe were implanted in me, designed to destroy my connection to the Divine. It seems I have a lot more work to do with the "obstacles". I am currently trying to research the arena of spiritual damage in MK Ultra. But, the fact is that even before birth, actions were taken to break me spiritually. To my knowledge MK Ultra began at 4 or 5 years old. But I come from a Masonic family, and I am pretty certain, now that I'm more aware, that my mother was mind controlled also.

    I don't know much about Molech except as the Bible talks about it. I know nothing about Archons. I'm not sure what you mean about a legal written document. Could you fill me in on these things, or send me some links so that I can learn about what you mean? Bless you for writing Blue.

  88. PS, Blue. I am not a Canadian.

  89. Anne Diamond. I just was scanning for my content and saw you are especially interested in theme parks. For me the Christchurch Alice in Wonderland Theme Park at Bournemouth (Hurn=Christchurch actually) Airport was just my introduction and I went off on monarch as my special study ever since. and go to the A-Z subject index on the home page top left .
    Read everything under A. It was mirrored in three or four places within a year and I have never been knocked out of the circle of arguing by being "wrong". I accept evidence is a mobius strip ringed link of helpful well meant pointers rather than increasing body of real evidence but I can say I have knocked the Mengele 1979 claimed death into outer-space where it belongs in my various claims base on focus and memory greater than most might bother with. The owner of the local theme park was a conservative councillor using his EEC farm set aside cash to invest in a theme park with a maze designed by one of a trio of maze designers I knew one and still remain in touch. Hee heee the owner asked me if they were "con artists" because mazes are tricky to build, a limited knowledge base, full of arcane chicanery but no, these designers were not conmen. One is a world expert, who did his maze, the other a close second (Artscapes) and the third was a wartime Mi6 agent and diplomat involved slightly in the American-Greece affair of a US reporter killed trying for a story. If you are rich a maze is a lovely footprint to leave.
    As it happens what monarch programming reveals is ebery sense a chap has can be mimicked, blocked, assaulted or smooched into slavery with the process concealed and rarely revealed unless you know the leakage points which I do not.
    Anyway, Theme Parks will be covered by others better and it may be we are all right now being leapfrogged over and all of that
    will be considered how it used to be done before USA NSA Psyops Extreme Process as desribed by Will Filer.
    I am worried I have built up my case but now there is nowhere to present it.
    What to do? beachhutman on twitter for anyone to read..and I think I am noticing a my perception or in the access to slavery most often pursued. I reckoned military needs made trauma based processing the most used as it was easily calibrated for repeat use. I was kinda hoping a more ecstatic approach might get some traction back...I kinda think maybe the Beatles, psychaedelia, LSD, ecstasy and so on were part of that effort...then. But the military are the last people to ask about emoting and sex or pimping to gain guilt, fear, anxiety and so on came more naturally to agents of the real world.
    But we are dealing with inner space, and had that of worked, then. or work somewhat now, it might be more compelling but the formwork is as sure as concrete still to box in the emotions to a slavery of action.
    I am getting real women in real time now not just using date agencies which I tolerated to display the success rate on paper, and I see shifty programmers watching with a characteristic key ostentatiously around their kneck as if my wonderlust will see them
    as the authority to approach, not the persons involved. That should show how far..or near, i am-to events and whether theme parks are going to engineer, elaborate, stiffen or reinforce the triggering that is all around us,,,from the dystopia I now realise will be the lot of so many...or something.


    case there is anyone who has similar problem and still

    looking for a way out, and he those cast all kind of spell like ::
    Love Spells
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    YOU CAN CONTACT HIM HERE AS ( and also his state based number text him here if you're in the US: 760-935-3804 if you need any question contact me via here as i wish you best of luck and good health.

  91. ??????

    Immigration Canada - Montreal Quebec - Point Mengele presence in Canada is a violation of the Nuremburg War trials occuring at the same time Joseph Mengele was in Canada and subsequently South America. This statement was is made without prejudice and true based upon the best possible accurate written data available and are not allegations.


  92. Someone was asking if I believe Mengele is alive today. No, I don't - but neither do I believe the corpse buried in Embu, Brazil in 1979 is really Mengele. I think the CIA faked his death even using a forensic expert who had testified at the Warren Comossion to back up their autopsy results.

  93. If you cannot trust science who can you trust?

    Book Greywolf 2013 forensic Science


  94. I agree with Anne. I even claim my bothering about this topic is only really something that happened to me to make me wory aboutI met him in 2002. St the time withinn 5 minutes I was on Wikepedia to see who I had just met, and my first choice was Mengele. is the story.Looking back the 1979 Embu exhumation was a bit dodgy anyway. Read my accounts there and elsewhere by googling Mengele and my name, Tim Baber, or beachhutman, by handle on TWITTER. His height is a big factor in his life and in this meet. I came up with nothing on Wikepdia , but in 2002 there was no photo. Hsd there been a 1970's photo I would have been scared, and flattered, even , for in 2002 i was a tall poppy with now I look back, lucky strike web research then. But since 2008 when I saw a photo by chance..still sure something had gone down in 2002, even if it was my distraction was achieved by his intervention. I have witten 8,000 emails and filled many comments on Quora, and other places trying to try to make my story stick.. Try Villa Almarin in Mougins for a likely bolt hole now run by his son, or begsn so in 2008 ish. And try Beppo, or Doctor Greenbaum lecture, or Scotty's Castle and Mengele...and so on. I have since come to he conclusion he was a progtammed and controlled researcher and talent scout or similar for mk Ulktra and monarch programming. And Eva Moses Kor seems to have understood his ability or capacity to do harm seems to have been controlled by the FIVE EYES in his last half century as trauma Mengele Style was sublimated and thus interrogations and counter mind control had. a more profound controllable apprehension compared to any enemy of the West, allowing for no one actually being in control of this system of brainwashing or an unknown. aopex of world wide calumny. beachhutman on twitter

  95. Forensic investigative research

    Merry Xmas
    Happy New Year
    Written evidence
    GOD bless

  96. ""You write "On the other hand, these experts could not prove it is not Mengele."
    No shit sherlock. I think that the picture you claim to be Mengele, is actually jesus."

    If they really wanted to know if it was Mengele, they should be able to tell from the photograph:

    Mengele's Skull - Forensic Architecture

    Assuming they really want to know. Jesus may be harder to prove.

  97. One of the forensic experts on the team examining the skull in Enbu, Brazil, had also served on the Warren Commission team that studied JFK's head wounds and concluded he was shot by a lone assassin.

    Mengele's skull and other exhumed remains tell us very little about his whereabouts in 1948 - but the man in the above photo looks like Mengele in other photos from his Auschwitz days and earlier. And then there are the many witnesses who claimed to have seen him in Canada and the US during the Cold War - enough they the Canadian government was forced to appoint a commission to look into it.

  98. Sherwood Park Star Metro Edmonton Alberta

    This seclusion room appears to be is similar to Live human experiments of Concentration camps WW11 - Russian sleep sensory deprivation - concrete cells while victim is standing.

    W5 - Del Vee Reeducation - Autism - was designed to improve the lot of the autistics and their families - LY Cairns historically possessed to sets of school records - 1 for the School - 1 for the Edmonton Public School Board - Del Vee was destroyed because it was successful - could not be copied or sold. Based upon the model All Our Hope is in GOD - Amino acid therapy . Joseph Mengele set up programming in Canada - Read 1949 Joseph Mengeles Montreal Canada. Social Workers - mental health professionals teachers - Hans Mayer legacy - appear to be at it again. Is this physical mental violence designed to cause parents families - the autistic to enter into bargains with Molech out of shear desperation. Decision makers apparently Christian Clergy, Priests etc. share blame in this apparent atrocity and appear to be violating Federal OHS Legislation . These statements are made without prejudice are true based upon the best current accurate written data available to date.End

  99. I will keep myself open to new opportunities, new events, and new people to come into my life. I will allow myself to meet people of varying races, religions, and back-grounds, and will listen to what everyone has to say.

    I will strive to be courageous and do all through GOD - Jesus Christ - Archangels of Heaven

    I bless everyone every human being

  100. More information (and some quotations from this blog) can be found here:

  101. Blue said
    Christian Engler happy birthday October 30, 2019 I love you mom

    Birthday present for Christian from Mom and Dawn

    Sacrifice of the White Rose - Sohie Scholl Medical Students Activists - Wear a white rose

    Dunkek - five Miracles - Evolution to
    “GOD Jesus Christ of Nazareth - Gift Giver - Eisa - Christian's - Dawn's - Charles Hunt's - My Guardian Angels please Let us with one heart and soul, humbly but confidently, commit our cause to you God and ask his aid, please that we may valiantly defend the right as it is given to us to see it. by you GOD ”

    On May 26, millions of people across the country responded to the Day of National Prayer.
    British citizens of all religions, the Church of England, the Catholic Church, Jews and other religions packed into the Churches, Cathedrals, Mosques, and Synagogues to pray for deliverance.

    Freedom of Speech - I love you GOD - I love Canada - Dawn - Christian
    / All my Hope is in GOD
    Signed Blue / Mom

  102. Never the Devil's work. What it could be is that the gentleman had been conditioned in the past as many have without their knowlede, and as such he would be easier than anormal mind to disinhibit or inhibit, These programs need programmers to intervene in the normal world and it is quite possible that your cry for help mas met by a programmer, obligated to no one in particular, but they do good turns to overcome the bad they do to dominate our thinkscape.
    OK that is a bit exotic but there have been organisations I have studied like the Landmark Forum. The chap who ran it had been involved in the Esalen Institure which preceded Scientology, still banned in various countries and turned over by a fewex members from time to time. A landmark Forum "course" where members are isolated from normal life for hours at a time usually includes a transference of power where the "member" remembers people wfrom whom ho they may have grown distant and tears and so on add to the transcedental conversion, a flood of emotions and bewildred old contacts unless professionalism reighns. So what I am saying is look into mind control or brainwashing points in the world who are capable to simple or extraordinary degrees of disinhibiting an ex husband, especially if he went through such an intervention.
    If it seems too bad or too good to be true, welcome to, my gentle forgiving website that is aware what matters in courts of law and your own relations is the concept of mens rea. is my version of Eva Moses Kor stance to forgive even Mengele. That is no spell, mens rea is the threshold and ceiling here.

  103. What a wonderful and a straight forward spell caster that has brought back joy and happiness into my life! Am giving this testimony because am so happy, I want to thank Dr. Osasu for the great thing He has done in my life , He brought happiness back to my life, I never believed in spell casters until my life fell apart when my lover of 6 years decided to call it quit almost when we wanted to get married. I was so emotional breakdown to the extent i could not do anything reasonable again, after 2months in pain before an old friend of mine introduced me to a spell caster on line called Dr Osasu, this was after I have been scammed by various fake spell casters. I was introduced me to Dr Osasu a true Spell Caster. In less than 24 hours i saw wonders, my lover came back to me and my life got back just like a completed puzzle, and after 1month later we got married and it was just like a dream to me because i thought i had lost him forever. Thank you Dr. Osasu for helping me but most of all, Your Honesty and Fast Accurate Results. email: WhatsApp Number: +2347064365391

  104. I am a vampire born in 1892. 127 yrs, I always love being what i am, And i didn’t have no choice but to make my mind undergoing the ritual to turn. There is sometime ago, I had herpes virus and also i was burned in a fire and was dying, I later was saved by a vampire lord, my parents never found me they believe i was dead,but i'm doing very great, No longer a weakly but strong and as century go by i am still alive today, And still 20 skin but old age never goes, but no body knew my past just me, I just want to say thank you vampire lord for making it happen, I am very proud to be among the 7 clans of vampires. You want to know more about these transformation ritual, get more info on there web site at

  105. My father was diagnosed with ALS in the summer of 2013; His initial symptoms were quite noticeable. He first experienced weakness in his right arm and his speech and swallowing abilities were profoundly affected. We all did our best to seek help for this disease no medications they prescribe worked ,we were all scared we might lost him due to his condition, as he had been his brother's caregiver a few years earlier for the same disease before he past. doctor recommend natural treatment from total cure herbal foundation for his ALS we have no choice to give a try on natural organic treatment ,this herbal cure has effectively reverse my father condition ,losing his balance which led to stumbling and falling stop after the completing the herbal supplement which include his weakness in his right arm and his speech, home remedies from totalcureherbsfoundation com is the best although their service is a little bit expensive but it worth it, they save lives.

  106. Best spell in the universe
    Quantum Physics - the GOD Gene

    Greg Braden

  107. My Experience from Uk. I was Married 4 years with infertility, my journey has ended with the help of Dr Oyama. I have joined many infertility journey blogs online just to have a comforted heart over my problem and this has helped me to find the right man to help me cure this devastating problem. As a patient of endometriosis stage 3, it was really difficult to have a child but with the help of Oyama I got natural herbs and conceived within weeks of herbal treatment and before I knew it, I was finally pregnant. I never believed it was possible after 9 years of marriage. Thanks to everyone who has helped me both mentally and emotionally through this journey Oyama solved my problem with his natural herbs and I promise to manifest his work to other people and friends. WhatsApp Message/Call him on +2348108264684 and Email Oyama at:

  108. twitter: beachhutman: Tim Baber. twitter.

    1. Villa Almarin

    2. "The Family" a cult in Melbourne. Australian documentary 22 mins in.


    4 I am Tim Baber, a tall poppy civilkian in psyops. I claim I met Mengele.

  109. Does anyone know of a nurse, Dorothy White who worked in Montreal. She had bright red hair but it turned all white later in life. She was my adopted grandmother, a programmer.


  110. Most interesting, now learning that Dr. Joseph Mengele was connected with the JFK assassination, I now question if Mengele had something to do with JFK's missing left temporal lobe brain tissue, considering he was working with the American military, and Canadian researchers. One researcher I question would be a neurosurgeon at a Toronto pediatric hospital who subjected myself to a top secret brain surgical experiment Dec. 9,1969, at 14 years of age, consisting of healthy brain tissue removal, and transplant of a left temporal lobe brain tissue that was brought to my attention by a neurosurgical staff member who mentioned to me, when being wheeled out of the Operating Room, "Terry, I put a copy of what they put into you in your medical records, check it out when you get out of here." He was referring to a diagram of a left temporal lobe brain tissue, exactly what JFK is missing after his assassination. This adds up, considering Mengele was a extremely unethical doctor, as well as the neurosurgeon who imposed this transplant without informed consent, nor parental knowledge. Here in Ontario, there remains a tight lip policy regarding this transplant, with the Ontario College of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario Health Professions Board, Ontario Patient Ombudsman's Office, Toronto Children's Aid, Toronto Police, OPP, RCMP, and various political offices. One has to question how this hidden child abuse is acceptable when reliable sources inform me of a on-going problem at this Toronto pediatric hospital. If I am incorrect, then why is access to all of my pediatric medical records denied as a result of being classified, to the same degree as JFK's missing left temporal lobe is classified under US national security? Now adds up, why PM Trudeau has put a gag order on CIA MK-ULTRA Nuremberg Code violations upon unwitting Canadian children. This is disgusting, and most criminal. Every politician should be arrested and locked up, when permitting and concealing this nefarious, inhumane, and unethical experimentation upon defenseless children. Seems the only way to provide transparency and accountability in Canada and the United States, is to not vote mainstream political parties, but rather Independent. Our children deserve protection, not exploitation by some satanic cult, that are above the law, when it comes to hidden institutional child abuse.
