Saturday, July 4, 2015


In his book THE PEDOPHOCRACY, Dave McGowan demonstrates how western society has fallen under the control of a corrupt gang of pedophiles. This “conspiracy theory” keeps gaining ground as news stories continue to break exposing scandalous amounts of violent pedophilia in high places. It’s not just that the elite are inbred, uncontrollably corrupt and prone to perversions (as we used to think, naively) – pedophilia is also a well-established system of vetting, grooming and controlling the men in power.

So far there has not been an exposĂ© of pedophilia in Canada although one is long overdue. Organized child abuse is rife in this country, and anyone documenting it should include more than a footnote on John Seeley, “The Fool of Sociology” who could rightfully be called the Pied Piper of Pedophilia.

Nobody I know has ever heard of Seeley, but he’s revered in academia. His name is all over the pages the secret eugenics movement that has shaped Canadian society since the beginning of the Cold War. Cambridge University in the UK has a biannual history lecture series named for him – but then Cambridge also made headlines last year by hosting a conference where participants were told: 'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males' - Telegraph

Seeley would have fit right in, but he has been dead since 2007. Nevertheless, in Toronto, where began his stellar rise to fame and notoriety, his name has popped up lately in support of the Ontario Liberal regime’s radical new sex ed curriculum, which some critics suggesting will groom children for sexual activity -- a pedophile's dream come true.

In his lifetime Seeley boasted of being friends with with Presidents and Prime Ministers –JFK, LBJ and Pierre Trudeau – who invited him to spend weekends at 22 Sussex Drive.

The abused son of a mother he once described as a “cesspool… got of the slime, ” in 1929 at age 16 Seeley left his "cheap English boarding school" on a ship bound for Canada. In Ontario, he laboured on farms, became a cub scout leader in Muskoka, then joined the army in WW2. Studying sociology at the University of Chicago, he moved to Toronto to each at U of T and become Canada’s “most brilliant sociologist.”

Nicknamed “the Fool of Sociology” by a colleague, he was linked with radical causes like the Berkeley Free Speech Movement in the 1960s and wrote books and hundreds of articles for magazines including Ramparts.

Even according to his supporters, John R. Seeley was a brilliant fraud. Fleeing Toronto in 1963 in disgrace, he floated like a hot air balloon from one prestigious university to the next. Brandeis, Stanford.

Seeley was famous as the sociologist who introduced psychiatry into Toronto schools way back in 1948, when he ran the Forest Hills experimental community in a ritzy suburb. Except he wasn’t a sociologist any more than he was a psychiatrist.

His biographer, Paul Bentley goes farther and calls him “a martyr for mental health.”

Toronto journalist and media personality Rick Salutin, called his old mentor, John Seeley, an important “educational philosopher” and “the smartest, kindest guy I ever knew”.

That’s strange because Clayton Ruby, Toronto’s beloved civil liberties lawyer, dubbed him “the wisest, kindest man he ever knew.” Is this the Toronto Boys’ Choir?

How about this other little red flag: as a boy when Clayton Ruby attended Forest Hill Academy, John Seeley tutored him in weekly private sessions from age ten. Nothing strange about that. Or the fact that Ruby’s recently defended Benjamin Levin, Ontario’s former deputy education minister, on child pornography and related charges. Levin is now serving a three year sentence.

If Dave McGowan’s “pedophocracy” really does rules western societies, then that rule would extend to Canada, wouldn’t it? It also could explain why a dead ‘sadist and pedophile’ is being dragged from his grave by cheerleaders for expanded mental health and sex education programs in Ontario.

For Seeley, “mental health” was obviously a way to get close to children. In the 1950s, he had himself analyzed by a sympathetic crony, Toronto psychiatrist Martin Fischer. Fischer allegedly ran some strange experiments at spooky Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital, notorious for destroying all patient records and burying dead inmates three-deep in unmarked graves.

Fischer also appears as the psychiatrist in the Canadian film Warrendale. Located in another Toronto suburb, Warrendale was a “home for emotionally disturbed children” that leapt to world attention when the film won the 1967 Jury Prize at Cannes. Another “experimental community” tucked away in aToronto suburb (Etobicoke), Warrendale mainly taught kids social deviance: drinking, smoking, swearing, having sex with other children – and not much else. With this as their basic training, many ex-Warrendale kids came to sad, early deaths or became life-long misfits and petty criminals.

But it was the sixties. Seeley shared his violent pedophile fantasies with Dr. Fischer, who never reported them to authorities. These confessions appear in an early version of Paul Bentley’s PhD thesis on Seeley which he posted online on Scribd but has since revised, removing all references to pedophilia.

A trove of information it exposes two influential frauds, both connected to British intelligence and elite Toronto.

Bothe were Jewish. Seeley’s absent father was named Friedeberg, and abandoned him to his unspeakably sadistic mother. So the future ‘sadist and pederast’ grew up in England with perfect accent and diction, needed to make it as an immigrant in Toronto.

Martin Fischer had come to Canada as a refugee from Nazi Germany. Known to practice psychoanalysis without a licence, he was accused of abusing students at two of his Art Therapy Institutes in the 1980s and 90s. When Paul Bentley interviewed Seeley in Los Angeles in the 1990s, he was shocked to find the great thinker living in a seedy neighbourhood of west L.A. and posing as a ‘child psychiatrist.”

Seeley was eager to talk about the “military agenda” that had recruited him for peacetime projects. Eugenicists behind the Forest Hill experiment planned on using ‘mental hygiene’ to completely ‘reorganize Canada.’

The first step: brain-wash children and parents, weaken families. Having “humanized the Canadian army” through applied social science, the elite spooks from Ottawa’s Department of Defence planned to militarize humanity next. In a nice way, though.

John Seeley was chosen to head Forest Hills on the basis of his ‘communication skills’. (You’d think they could have found a skilled communicator who wasn’t also a sadistic pedophile.) He later boasted the World Health Organization (WHO) and its Charter were designed in his office. New definitions of health and disease aimed to create a new race of humans. Less aggressive, more controllable.

Similar experiments, like Dr. Ewen Cameron’s “psychic driving” of patients at the Allan Memorial Institute were soon underway in Montreal –but closed down in 1963 by the Quebec government and CIA.

On Seeley’s watch, York University opened in 1961. It’s mission: to educate “Canada’s future leaders.” Seeley’s vision for York was aborted when he was fired: he had wanted to make it the Harvard of the North. His proposed curriculum read like a training program for CIA operatives. Seeley soon became head of California’s Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, a CIA front organization.

By then Toronto was the new buzzing hub of British eugenics. The Ontario Institute of Education, influenced by the Rothschild-owned Tavistock Institute in London, turned out teachers who would rip Ontario from its stodgy, Presbyterian backwater, making it the brave new world of social engineering it is today.

“A small cell within the military elite” including Seeley and WHO chief Brock Chisholm were the masterminds whose vast National Health Project brought together psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, educators, recreation specialists, and sociologists to achieve “gratifying results.” Today we would call them “community partners.”

Social control had a new disguise: “enlightened” therapy targeting the whole population.

The only thing missing was the media. The National Film Board had started out as a wartime propaganda agency, but in the 1950s its military chiefs turned to domestic psychological warfare projects, such as a documentary series for Canadian parents on the new, ‘permissive’ child-raising methods popularized by Dr. Benjamin Spock.

Are we surprised that a mental health program designed by military eugenicists and a sadistic pedophile was not an ‘improvement’ ? The new, self-regulating Baby Boomers would grow up rejecting parental authority only to become pawns of mass media and the emerging drug culture.

By the late sixties, the “reorganized” Canada was exporting culture to the world. The award-winning “Warrendale” documentary unveiled the first generation of emotionally-disturbed kids raised under Canada’s secret eugenics program set up by military pedophiles.

Thank “Toronto the Good” and heritage institutions like CBC for keeping this secret under wraps, and for lately bringing it of the closet dressed in new, progressive clothes. To question all this is like questioning the air we breathe.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Brian J. Low, The Hand that Rocked the Cradle: A Critical Analysis of Rockefeller Philanthropic Funding, 1920-1960 Paul Roberts Bentley: Martyr for Mental Health: John R. Seeley and the Forest Hill Village Project, 1948 – 1956

Sunday, June 28, 2015


by Ann Diamond

(first published at

It feels like any other summer, people are strolling in the plateia, yachts in the harbour, restaurants opening. All is calm on the surface, but this past week Greeks were finding new places to invest their money: flower pots, mattresses. My Greek friend "Zorba" was in the port and spoke to a woman who said 'Havent you taken all your money out of the bank yet?"

Crisis: a greek word meaning "decision".

The far-left government of Alexis Tsipras had just declared the Greek debt to the IMF Troika 'odious' and 'illegal' meaning the country was headed for default. So last Friday 'Zorba' stood in line to withdraw his paltry savings, and now they're in an empty dog-food can in our kitchen.

Rumours were flying that when (or if) the banks reopen on Monday, there will be no more Euros, and the country will be back on the drachma. The European bankers were sharpening their fangs. Monday came - that was this morning -- with news of a reprieve. A late-night, last minute, €18 billion bailout offer could postpone disaster for another six months.

After 6 years of dire news, there is little panic, just a country sailing slowly into the sunset.How many more cruise ships - or last-minute bailouts - will appear on the horizon before Greece sinks?

We live on an acre of land next to an ancient fortress known as the Castro, on a northern island called Lemnos which is opposite Troy, 50 km east on the Turkish Coast. Getting here this time was a problem as the ferries keep breaking down. Lemnos has been a strategic island ever since the Trojan War and more recently was a stepping off point for the Gallipolli campaign, with troops stationed here en route to the battlefields of the Crimea.

Now the island is also reputed to be the centre for electronic warfare in the Aegean, and 'Zorba' tells me he has seen one of the main underground facilities near the mountain village where he owns land on the slopes of an extinct volcano.

'Zorba' says Alexis Tsipras (the new PM) is just another Zionist agent destroying the country.

People are suffering -- shops are closing. Two years ago, the owner of a cyber café (whose Russian waitresses moonlighted as prostitutes) shot himself because he could no longer face his debts.

The local grocer can't pay his electricity bill and has installed a noisy generator. He owed so much money to creditors, they came around to his store and forced him and his elderly brother to take off their trousers and be paraded around the port with ropes around their necks in broad daylight, in front of the men in the cafe neon.

The old-line Communists no longer stage many rallies with speeches and playing of old Theodorakis tapes on the loudspeaker -- they have been replaced by the new, far-left Syriza party which won the election back in January. Many new cars speed on the roads, allowing people shop at a new chain supermarket that offers cheap prices.

Not long ago, the baker shut down his oven in the market because he couldn't afford the gas bill. We can no longer use his oven for our household baking - which used to be a tradition in Greek villages and towns.

Because the electric bill in Greece often arrives with a property tax notice, 'Zorba' cancelled his account three years ago, and installed a basic solar system - enough to run a refrigerator in summer for 8 hours a day. At night we switch it off. Much of our food comes from our garden, including edible weeds (purslane and amaranth).


Nature used to be our friend, but Greeks can no longer even count on their weather.This year has been much wetter than usual. Destructive windstorms are also more common. 'Zorba' says this is because the Zionists are trying to destroy this year's food crop and further impoverish Greece. He sees geo-engeering and GMOS as part of that same agenda. Unlike North Americans, Greek TV and radio sometimes discuss chemtrails and other conspiracy theories.

We have also seen the effects in our garden of GM seeds which produce food for one year only, then become sterile. Traditionally, on this island, people save (and share) seeds but that has become risky with the invasion of hybrid plants and Terminator seeds.

Lemnos (which used to be self-sufficient in agriculture) is far enough from Athens that it remains a laid-back easy-going place. There are still shepherds here: one told us he can't pay his mortgage. A few years back, he made the mistake of taking out a loan. "What will happen? Will the police come and take away my house?"

The island also has its drug traffickers - not surprising since young people have no jobs, and the police are corrupt. We know a photographer and citizen journalist whose store front was attacked by unemployed kids. The police did nothing, and the kids involved turned out to be a gang of police informers. For complaining, he was place in a psych ward, drugged and held for a month.

I spoke to an American friend who has been living on another island for several decades. When she arrived in 1972, the drachma was worth almost nothing, and life was incredibly cheap. At 76, she has no pension, and a house but the rent consumes almost all her tiny income. She told me she got through last week by fasting for three days.

As for Zorba and me, we have a garden. Monsanto has made inroads here and you can't depend on other plants -- we have seen strange hybrids etc. and even though we have honey bees, we're still not sure about this year's cucumbers. This week I made purslane pesto, purslane stirfry, purslane with rice. And dolmades, from leaves from our grapevine. We are also growing lots of beans this year because you never know when supplies might run out, Zorba says. Today I'll probably make potato salad with beans and purslane, which we'll wash down with retsina and ouzo.

Forty years ago, when people were poor and the drachma worth little, there was the consolation of a way of life that had existed for centuries." Now they ask" "How are things in Canada?" I say our banks are strong, and we are living on dirty oil.

"The party is over" is a phrase you heard often a few years back, when new taxes were announced every week. Greeks would be taxed for having children, making their own olive oil, or growing vegetables, in addition to the new property taxes which could double if left unpaid. There was no end to the Draconian measures the right wing government introduced to please its European lenders.

I was here the night Syriza won the election back in January. As the votes were being tallied on TV, a fisherman walked into the harbourside restaurant with a basket of sardines and called out "These are for Alexis Tsipras!" - people laughed. It made the results seem all the more heartwarming. Later I saw the €60,000 sonar device that locates schools of fish so he can eke out a living in depleted seas.

If Greece returns to the drachma, will it go back to being the way it was when I first came here 35 years ago? Not likely. It isn't only Greece that has changed -- the global pursuit of wealth has eliminated the earthly paradises by devastating the eco-systems that made them possible.

. We have a New Age friend who claims by 2018 we will all be living in the 5th dimension -- according to her, we will have no bodies thus no need for food or money. Which is a good thing, since the money has gone there already.

As for the purslane - we still have tons of it...

I forgot to mention the beaches: the best in the Aegean.

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